Step back from science and try philosophy. Isn't most science using the language of mathematics? Never seen zero in my life. Never seen 1 for that matter. Pure abstractions if you ask me. If what is physical is considered to be real where does maths come from? Thinking? Where does thinking come from? Complexity? Everything is back to front.
Without out a doubt science is useful. The problem is that it has been elevated to the status of truth and therefore beliefs become facts.
Step back from science and try philosophy. Isn't most science using the language of mathematics? Never seen zero in my life. Never seen 1 for that matter. Pure abstractions if you ask me. If what is physical is considered to be real where does maths come from? Thinking? Where does thinking come from? Complexity? Everything is back to front.
Without out a doubt science is useful. The problem is that it has been elevated to the status of truth and therefore beliefs become facts.