The Labels We Give Ourselves

in #evolution7 years ago (edited)

What do the spiritually enlightened, empaths, extroverts, introverts, and those with bi-polar disorder, have in common (other than being labels)?


What is an empath, if not someone who is highly sensitive and in tune with the e-motions of others..? E-motions are energies in motion. So becoming highly sensitive to others, to the point of feeling their energies-in-motion is what telepathy comes down to. We don't exchange thoughts in word form. Rather, feelings in energy form.
We are all becoming more & more empathetic, as we evolve towards energetic/telepathic communication.


Does that mean you're at a place in your life, where you choose to tune out external frequencies & seek guidance from within..? To return to the source of "you"...?

Being stuck in one stage of growth, is what causes stagnation, and the resistance to explore both the external & the internal worlds.
Remember, it's not just the internal we seek after a lifetime of external distractions. Rather a balance of the two.


An introvert seeks solitude, internally & externally . As where an extrovert is looking for connections with other people, and mainly exploring their avatar's external & physical reality.. for the time being..

Then aren't we all introverts & extroverts, in different facets of our lives?


I mean.. really? Is it a disease to resonate on higher frequencies while generating a lot of energy.. All the while, learning to channel that newly generated innerCHI (innerQi)?


Those we label "bi-polar" are in fact people who are hyper-sensitive to energies-in-motion, open to, and generate an abundance of energy. Unfortunately, since none of us were ever told or taught how to channel our energy (innerCHI), those with an excessive amount tend to swing from one side of the pendulum to the other. Hence the name bi-polar (polar opposites). They feel so much at once, it becomes overwhelming to the point of being taken over by their energies in motion (e-motions).

Aren't many of these mental illnesses?
Many of these so-called "diseases" are considered chemical imbalances in the brain. But here's the thing, they can't actually measure the chemicals in the brain, to know whether there's an imbalance or not..

How do they diagnose people?
Through conversing. Literally. It's a judgment-call made by a psychiatrist, or in many new cases, school teachers. Yup. In many countries, the teacher's opinion of a child's behavior can lead to them being diagnosed with a mental illness. A label they'll carry for life...

My theory is that this is part of our evolution. To generate more inner-Qi. To become more open to sensing and feeling other's energies. To become more sensitive to higher frequencies..
As for why doctors are unnecessarily diagnosing people and drugging them: their entire careers are controlled by the pharmaceutikill companies, pushing their drugs on to the patients.

Why were these diseases created?
Because as we evolve and become stronger, we step more into our heightened senses, powers, and abilities. These are things that can create problems for the survival of the matrix. In order to keep highly sensitive and receptive people docile, they drug them, by creating fake diseases with "symptoms" that reflect the abilities of those evolving.

So what makes these "constants", rather than different stages of our individual evolution?
I see them as abilities we are tapping back into, but since we're infants in this awakening, we are still learning how to harness and channel energy, while connecting to others, ourselves, and life itself..

Too many people use labels to make sense of what their mind, body & soul are communicating, or transitioning through. Labels that make them feel comforted by the identification of their process, but essentially "alone", "disconnected" & "different" from the "norm"..

This is where we collectively learn to help ourselves (and each other) through innerstanding the different phases of our evolution:

-The sensitivity of our empathetic side, lets us know that compassion has taken root.
-The introverted stage is time spent in solitude, calming what's around you, to resonate with the calmness within.
-The extroverted phase is where we're playing with the external world, and pushing out our vibrations (hopefully mindfully)...
-ADHD is when you have reached a higher level of communication and energy generation, but you're learning how to channel the excessive energy created.
-Bi-polar disorder is when your energy swings from one side of the spectrum to the other, due to a heightened level of energy generation.

These are mere stages in an ever-changing U.
Keep playing with the magic & energies, around & in, you.
Harness your undeniable power, and use it for heightening your awareness.

Staying stagnant in one phase, will have you labeling & identifying yourself with moments in time, rather than living in this moment of "time" ❤

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I really resonate with this, so many times I have felt too sensitive. I begin to even label myself because everyday tasks are much harder for me sometimes. I appreciate you bringing your balanced perspective :)

Thank you so much 🙏 I hope it helps

Thank you for this description, I agree completely. When I was younger I was much more sensitive to subtle energy and emotions around me, so much so that it was overwhelming because I did not know how to channel it and I could not tell the difference between the emotions of others and my own, so I figured out how to flip a switch in my mind/body/spirit complex to turn it all off and feel nothing, be it the emotions of others, or myself. Now after learning and practicing chi cultivation and channeling, I have been working for years to undo whatever I did and flip the switch back, and although I'm still nowhere near there, I am happy to be where I am now and look forward to continued learning on this path.

So beautifully put! Thanks so much for sharing that Patrick 🙏