When I was growing up, the magazine scientists (we had no TV scientists) claimed that life was a product of inorganic gases and electricity. The TV scientists of today will dissemble when forced into a corner, but they are quite satisfied with the default position that while "we don't know", "we will figure it out some day" given enough tax money and baby parts, "and it won't be the white man's god". If you are honest about their implied claims about macro evolution, it is that given enough time, rocks "evolve" into birds, "because of random mutations and environmental changes". Are you honest enough to admit the pseudo-scientific claims of the modern religion of macro evolution?
According to Christians, everything was created by God. We have no giant thumbprints to prove to materialists that we were created by God, but there is plenty of evidence of design. The Theory of Evolution certainly does not cover the details of the very obvious evidence of design, so if they want to claim it is science they are going to have to come up with something better. Until then, the only honest position is for Christians to admit we were created by God, for spiritual people to admit that we were created by a Transcendental Being or Beings, and for materialists to say that they "don't know", and in fact have no idea. For logicians, the problem is one of definition. God is the Creator, He Who was not created. He is the Prime Mover, the initiator of all other movement. He is the artist, we are His art. God is a clean, logical solution for clean, logical people. God is the Occam's Razor that cuts through the pseudo-scientific dissembling of TV scientists.
Catholics have no problem with Micro Evolution. The evidence of evolution observed by Darwin on the voyage of the Beagle is technically evidence of Micro Evolution. In fact, Catholics would have no problem with Macro Evolution if they could come up with something that made sense. Lizards might just turn into birds, given enough time and the correct environmental conditions. However, the magazine scientists of my day were not satisfied with that claim. They wanted rocks to evolve into birds and they cannot rest until they come up with a natural process that will explain how that happens. They will seize upon any theory and investigate it and make outrageous claims based upon it. That's what Galileo did, he observed the phases of Venus, seized upon a theory, and started making outrageous claims. That is how you make a name for yourself in science. Anything except God, His Church, and His Church's bible. Today's TV scientists love to use the bible as an example of anti-science, but it is not the bible that is making pseudo-scientific claims. The bible is not a scientific document. The bible is a historic document.
The bible was compiled and written by Jews and Catholics (guided by the Holy Spirit) but since they were not demonically supplied with futuristic technological information, there will be many materialistic items not contained there. The Old Testament was included in the bible by Catholics to provide context for Gentile readers. The New Testament is the guide for Christians, but since most Protestants start from the beginning (Genesis) and never get to the New Testament, they think like Jews, not Christians. The original Protestants called themselves "the New Jews", attempting to return to the days before God's Church (who they protest against). Today's 40,000 Protestant denominations are guilty of Bibliolatry, worshiping a creation of Catholic Bishops and theologians as though it were God Himself. Of course, God would never lie to us, but we often misinterpret Him. That's why bible interpretation can be dangerous. Today's 40,000 Protestant denominations all disagree among themselves about some bible interpretations, thanks to Luther and his unbiblical philosophy of "Sola Scriptura".
In fact, today's TV scientists are still trying to breathe life into their dead theories.
And so on. Note that the Big Bang was invented by a Catholic priest. Also note how the TV scientists cover over holes in their theories with "...and then a billion years went by..." and suddenly we have evolution.
Think about it, and you tell me how their theories are anything but "given enough time, rocks evolve into birds". This is their claim, no matter how they dress it up with pseudo-science.
It sounds like a joke, but they are using it to extract tax dollars from you in the form of government research grants.
I guess the joke's on you!
The big bang and evolution are a fact.
Your God was either inactive during the billions of years this universe has been around and the 4,6 billion yeras this earth is around, or he doesn't exist at all.
Interesting. Linked.