What Will Humans Look Like In 500 Years?

in #evolution8 years ago


If you thought that our evolution process was complete and this is how we are going to be and look like, think again. We are still very much in our evolutionary process, one which we can’t observe, owing to the smaller time frames involved, but whose signs are very clear.

Along with nature, we are gradually developing technology ourselves that will grant us the ability to influence our own evolution, which would be like playing god but it is where we are headed regardless.

In fact, much of what the modern world is today, is the result of technological progress that has happened in the last 3 centuries. Evolution turned us into humans over a period of hundreds of thousands of years and we turned ourselves into the modern human in only a tiny fraction of that time.

So, it is interesting to think what we might be like or look like in the next 500 years. How might our appearance and abilities change in the not so distant future and what would that mean for the society we live in?

What Natural Evolution Would Do


Let’s focus on how nature would further evolve us based on the world we live we live in. As you know, those evolutionary traits survive and are transferred to the next generation, which help a species survive.

Today, global warming and climate change are rampant on our planet and they are sure to affect our evolution process as our bodies would need to adapt in order to survive.

Experts say that as a result, we will have darker skin and an increased height to deal with these changes. In fact, in the last 150 years, the average human height has already increased by 10 cm, though other factors might have been responsible for this.

Also, we could have larger lungs, owing to the fact that there is less availability of oxygen rich air and the air that we breath would be needed to be highly filtered.

As always, nature likes to take time with what she does and our evolution, if completely depended on nature, would take hundreds of thousands of years more, for us to look and be significantly different than what we are today. That’s where artificial evolution comes into play.

What Artificial Evolution Will Do


As you all must be aware already, our genetic modification abilities are reaching ever new heights and although they are not mass market ready, they will soon be in the not so distant future.

I have talked about designer babies before where parents would be able to decide what their babies would look like and could change several traits like colour of skin, eyes, hair, height, intelligence, resistance to almost all disease and a host of other things.

This will create an entirely new generation of humans on the planet, one that is super strong, super smart and lives longer. Any unwanted trait could just be snipped off from our genome. We would literally be the masters of our own destiny.

Add to the mix the wonders of nanotechnology and bio-enhancements and you get humans that are simply invincible. It doesn’t surprise me to think that just in a few centuries, humans would have different super abilities. In fact, they could be so common that they could be downloadable on the internet and self administered. What a world that would be.

Also, we could probably go into a direction, where death loses all meaning. Sooner or later we will have the capability to transfer our consciousness from one body to another. Whether or not that body is made of living tissue or a mechanical one (robot) wouldn’t matter.

The science fiction of today very well may be the reality of tomorrow and all of this could indeed be possible in only 500 years. The world would be a very different place, WE would be different.


Good Post
With all due respect
I disagree on some parts.
Not to put too fine a point on it
evolution , genetic engineering, and cyber/mechanical augmentation
is NOT the same thing.
GlobullWurming is bogus.
climate change is natural and we can DO nothing about it.
the CO2 content of the air...LAGS...heating of the oceans by about a thousand years.
Right now we're seeing the effects of the Medieval warm period.
we had nothing to do with it.

Oh yeah, I know that evolution and genetic engineering are not the same thing. When I meant with artificial evolution was that we take matters in our own hands from here on.

About global warming, as I have told you before, we all are entitled to our own opinions :)

no, someone is will take your life in their hands. You have no control.

and as I've said before.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions...I agree.
But no one is entitled to their own facts...
and the preponderance of evidence suggests that globull warming is a scam.

Ok, If you feel so passionately about it, then I will do a comprehensive research on my own about it, while keeping an open mind :)

oh...I'd not use the word "compassionately" . Rather..I'd say "words mean things."
I'd suggest that it's better to use the proper word in the proper place.

I didn't use the word "compassion" which means sympathy. I used the word "passionate" which means showing strong feelings.

aw...well you got me there..
misuse of the word (evolution) is one of my pet peeves...it's a hotbutton...

With all due respect. Global warming is not a bogus.No one said it isn’t natural too. But it doesn’t matter when you see the results of your actions. Greenhouse effect is pretty simple physics. If humanity will continue doing what it does and won´t regulate it, there will be no humanity sooner or later.

The entire solar system is currently heating up- NASA likes to keep that under wraps though and there's greedy human that will use that warming to seize more power and money- see Al Gore and company.

I hadn't heard of this. Maybe the sun is releasing more solar flares more frequently now?

That is an interesting notion @thelightreports, I didn’t know that! I’m more concerned about the earth’s intoxication though. For me fighting against it means not buying a car, not eating so much meat etc., thus giving less money to the greedy humans. It’s all about taking just what I need from the earth if you know what I mean. And over-pollution is one of those things that I feel should be reduced.

I agree 100%- the various ways in which humanity continues to poison this living vessel is unsustainable. I believe the key to a sustainable existence lies within suppressed technology that I'm hopeful will soon be revealed. The irony is that the same forces that push the CO2 manmade global warming agenda are the very same who control the release of technologies that could eliminate the majority of manmade CO2 emissions over night- but alas they know that CO2 isn't the true cause.

Oh man, the suppressed technologies. A whole lot of those are based off of Nikola Tesla's work, I am guessing.

I agree with the suppressed technology. The people most environmentally minded are actually on the same side as the coal miners when it comes to nuclear power. The "common sense" about nuclear power is just false, it is actually cleaner than fossil fuels.

nuclear is obsolete- see Tesla

You don't think adding technology like this poisons the human vessel? It's a huge insult, and an obvious method to control you in the physical world. Do not be deceived.

So free energy accumulators and zero gravity propulsion systems would poison the Earth? How so? IMHO they would END the poisoning.

Oh and by the way this invention/experiment has been duplicated.


Space is fake. Fake fake fake. Completely fake. Don't base your data on NASA LOL. All they do is show you CGI, and bullshit and tell you how the world works. They are wrong. Humans have not left low earth orbit, nasa themselves have said this, and can be seen on yourtube..

The van allen belt is the firmament from the bible. No-one has left low earth orbit.

OK I'll play along- isn't low Earth orbit still technically 'space'?

Low earth orbit is less than 100km from earth. The Van Allen Belt.. is the firmament. Ever watch a rocket launch from an airplane? LOL They arc over long before space.

the data does not support that hypothesis...rather the opposite.
presently day concentrations of CO2 are NOT high
rather they are among the lowest concentraions EVER.
plants do MUCH better with several times greater concentrations of CO2 available to them than is available now.
Which is why green house owner inject CO2 into their greenhouse...it's increase the health and productivity of the plants remarkabley.


This is the real truth. Global warming is an agenda as well.. Basically if the UN is trying to accomplish it, you should fight it. They are a huge power structure of the illuminati satanists.

Personally, I'm aiming to look something like this. Hopefully global warming doesn't catch up with the ice keeping me in shape.

(The image is of a woman conserved by ice for 500 years. She's been named "Inca")

When I had read about this some months ago, I was so amazed at how well the body seems to be preserved.

Great post as always. With money, we could have designer babies that look like celebrities past or present even if one's parents are ugly as sin!

Thank you for the kind words :) Yes, this type of technology would more be in the hands of rich for the first few years and then it "might" get more affordable. But by then, the rich people's kids will already have had the first mover advantage.

Interesting post. Unfortunately we will not live to see if that will be the case. I personally think we will all live in some kind of Matrix (like in the movie) 500 years from now. We are very close to coping the 'data' of an entire brain into a computer. Maybe we eventually don't need a physical body anymore.

What if I told you, we are already living in a matrix? ;)

I know that theory. You might be right about that :-)

Yeah, lots of experts think that too. How exciting would it be if we somehow found some evidence to support it. Literally life changing.

Some scientists even found computer code in space :P

Yeah, that was really creepy if you think about it. A little more definitive proof and it will be decided once and for all.

There is so much evidence. The elite of our world know this, since they can't leave this earth, they are trying to pierce the veil between dimensions using CERN.

Look, life changing evidence is everywhere just below the surface. Stop trusting media and government,and corporations. they are using you. 100%.

But then wouldn't the higher beings (matrix creators), wouldn't they just change the code or something that would make using the machine at CERN impossible?


We do live in the matrix. Our universe is observably a hologram. If you give your body and soul to the earth, you will be trapped here in hell forever.

One thing I know for sure. Most people will have scoliosis in near future :D.

They are already showing the early signs of it!!

Its interesting to ponderon how we will evolve over the coarse of 500 years. Im sure climate change will impact our evolution process. I have mentioned in my post of global warming, how its important to control it

Over times, AI will dominate the society. We would become more AI embedded chip driven than emotion driven.
Good thoughts in the post. We will not be here to witness the changes but im sure, we should take a pause and think about it. https://steemit.com/blog/@uday625/is-time-travel-a-real-thing

If Elon Musk gets his way, we will merge with AI and that too soon!

Yes..Pillar 2 of the satanic agenda. Transhumanism. You will be an excellent slave.

With his neural lace, very possible. He already registered a company too. But, its kinda scary too though

Yeah, it's definitely scary. It's said that no system in the world is 100% hack proof. So, if we merge with AI, that could make us "hackable" too, right?

You must have heard the cyber hack in more than fifty countries that just occurred a few days ago. The incident leads to one thing- Anything in the Cyber world is hackable. Even though we guard ourselves with the fortress of security, one can break it. Nothing is protected.

Now, if we imagine the future of Human Civilization as AI dominated, chip-enabled society, it will be an absolute evident where we will try to take control of one another. It would be the epitome of absolute anarchy, in the history of humankind. That too, in a much-advanced society. And, it terrifies me to hell.

I'm writing a post on AI, will share with you, hope you can read.

You have been putting a good post. Followed you.

I hope its only HDMI,USB3, and fiber cables
No IDE,DB9/25 serial connectors and RJ45/11
Every link will need hardware encryption module , nanotech algorithms integrated with AI for ease of digi-bio transit security threats.
And wire tapping proof to avoid students cheating, dumping from one student that has studied for th exam.

It will be all wireless bruh! As for exams, they will be obsolete once skill uploading is implemented ;)

I also think science fiction has some tell tale of tomorrow. My first thought was from STNG, the Borg

A bit scary pessimistic kind of thought but that's the first thing that came to mind. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borg_(Star_Trek)

Yeah, I hope humanity doesn't go this route where they look hideous.

we are walking this route now. wake up. MOvies and TV are predictive programming. They tell you the plan. They hide TRUTH in comedy (Bill Hicks, Simpsons).. Look the simpsons is predicting shit 10 years in advance.. not a joke.. these dudes are in on a PLAN.

Fuck, everything you see, watch, etc is agenda based. Especially hollywood, and MSM. EVERYTHING. Basically, if they say, buy, you should sell. That's how fucked this world is.

No, this is the plan 100% Remove any individuality. merge with machines, and be controlled by 1.

Possibly dust if your inhabitants do not please me.

Wait, how can you destroy Earth from the future?

oops, shouldn't have asked. Sorry Lord Vader. Forgive my naiveness!

I like this post but "uploading" is bogus. If you really think about it broken down into what steps would need to be performed, you can see that "uploading" is really an attempt at "duplicating" but true duplication with a computer is not possible, so what you wind up with is a "simulation". In other words, the biological original human dies and what you are left with is a computer simulation of that person. Make no mistake, the original is absolutely dead.

Yup, it is a true copy of the original, but it won't matter to the future humans (I am guessing).

This is the trans humanist satanic agenda 100% If you think this is innocent and will help humanity, you are gravely mistaken.. Humans , myself included are hypnotized by tech leaders.. but there is an agenda here, a very dark one. You need to pay attention to what I am saying very very carefully. This is a trap. Period.

It's crazy to think what once was made for the handicapped (prosthetics) will soon be made for the people who want to modify their bodies willingly. Just imagining what the world would be like at that point is scary.

That's true. We are increasingly venturing into a world where any new implications of new technology isn't simply a "no-brainer". Things will get complicated and messy and we can only hope to make the right decisions.

If the future holds, humans and robots will be one.

That's the direction we are headed in for sure.

Do you think we should invest more money in nanotechnology and bio-enhancements?
In my opinion we should invest more but we should be really careful and make robotic parts of the body with almost no risk of failing which could cause you a disease, physical damage or even death depending on the robotic part of the body, for example the brain or the heart.
Also this parts should require a periodic revision, so it would be expensive to maintain them

Good teoría