We know in these extraordinary times the speed of change is exponential – a doubling every day – but what I share with you here is truly unbelievable, a word devalued through misuse everyday, but in this instance is - unbelievable!!
In fact change is so frightingly fast I'm speed writing this in case it is outdated before I post it. So excuse errors.
See what you think

Links to related source articles -
Southbank Research . com - http://bit.ly/2NYkXdz
Welsh Hydrogen Car - BBC Video - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-35595240
Hydrogen could be a factor in future energy supply, but I think it has some issues with storage. At least you can store it in large quantities when you have excess wind or solar energy. Battery electric cars still need better, cheaper batteries to take off.
Hi steevc. Thank you. Yes,still a lot of problems to solve, but they will be solved, and we can see the way the future of energy is going.Perhaps President Trump is right in not worrying about climate change because technology will provide the solution?
He pretends to not worry because his business friends tell him to do that. Besides the CO2 there is all the other pollution and resource exploitation. The challenges are massive and we have to change how we live if we want our grandkids to have a decent world
Thank you steevc. Yes,change is needed, and I think some is evolving naturally,but I agree we have to assist by thinking more about our extravagant,thoughless and resource wasteful lifestyles.