Are you tired with the Digital Asset Exchanges, who are making huge profits but not willing to share with their users ? Just break the rule & set a new example with BUZZEX Exchange who are going to share 80% trading fees among it's users. Setting up MASTERNODES, is another source of passive income, and many more.
Check out the white paper for better understanding!!
Here is an offer to get free listing of RCN Global Lending on Buzzex Exchange by voting system. Only 1k votes are require to qualify for listing, and every voters will get 500 BZX coin worth of $65 as rewards
So cast your vote & share it with your community!!
Coin developers are also welcome to submit their projects to win free listing by the link below: https://support.buzzex.io/hc/en-us/articles/360008707474-Coin-Developer-Partner-Program
With regards,
Manoj Kumar Ram