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RE: Can't withdraw SBD/steem from exchange. What's happening?

in #exchange7 years ago

hi roy. this is just bad luck / coincidental
to have 2 exchanges having the steem wallet in temporsrily disablement.

what is going on?

exchanges are running their own dedicated wallets to receive client funds. the more coins they have available for trading, the more blockchains and their nodes / wallets they must actively support and maintain. if for example a node gets stuck or maybe even their internal script handling all deposits and withdrawal requests you will see they “disable” the feature.

now they need to fix whatever is wrong in their end and i know that with poloniex this stuff always takes a while. for hitbtc i have no knowledge.

what you can do is see if you made profit, sell the steem again, buy some ltc or something and send it to binance or bittrex to buy steem overthere (first check if they are not also on maintenance :D)

in short: when a wallet on an exchange is in “maintenance” or “temporarily disabled” it has nothing to do with the steem blockchain in 99.5 % of the cases but is just waiting for developer attention from the exchange’s developer team.

hapoy steeming!


Thanks for your reply @roelandp. I'll check if Binance has any issues.

YOu cant withdraw steem on binance, and it dont have sbd there yet.