Hi Luke! I bet you're very busy these days being back from vacation. I'm always so impressed with how you come up with all these numbers. But then again I just learned how to cut a paste a few weeks ago! lol (not exactly) Based on your analysis looks like it's full steem ahead for steem it! (pun definitely intended lol)
So I must say you were right about steemit not being a reliable steady income. One whale picking you up or dropping you can double your income or cut in a half literally over night especially when you are trying to be lifestyle blogger like myself.
But I'm still going full time blogger regardless of what you said. Besides having the time and the passion, It's truly been my dream of mine to be a successful travel writer/blogger, and there is no better place for me to do it than here on steemit regardless of what I get paid.
On that note, I know you are interested in doing some traveling yourself. @chefsteve asked me a great question about how to avoid food born illnesses while traveling. It turned into a highly detailed article with over twenty photos and almost 2,000 words. It's loaded with strategies on how to not get sick and I think you should have a look to keep you and your family healthy when you do go.
I'm thinking the more people that see this post the more people I can help avoid getting sick. As this is one of the biggest and most common issues people have when traveling to foreign countries.
Hope you are well, and wishing you the best! Your steemit friend-Dan
Very cool! Sounds like a great post, Dan. I'll check it out.
Yeah, right now steemvoter is down so much of the autovoting that was happening has stopped and they said it might be a week or so before it comes back online. Since my voting strength was around 50% after flagging some spam, it's a good thing for me so I can get that back up where I prefer it to be (around 85%) so my votes will have more impact.