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RE: Why I’m Choosing To Exercise (Week 3 Update)

in #exercise7 years ago

That’s not a bad idea. It might get expensive, though;) I’m not very good at meeting my goals one hundred percent, but I’m decent at keeping high goals in sight.

I would like to swim, but I don’t think I can fit it I You my current schedule. Currently, I’m trying to keep up a consistent workout at home where there a fewer excuses for me to not work out.


thank you for not taking me like crazy, hahaha after writing my comment I regretted and was about to delete it because it sounded like a little stupid idea but then I thought about quitting just out of curiosity to see you answer me.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my comment and if the idea could really be expensive;)

PS: I miss your initiatives contests etc etc

My contests? Do you mean Amidakuji? I still do them twice a month.

if I'm honest now I do not remember well if they were in your account or another user's, I remember some contests where I guess what location you were taking as a reference for a photograph, but this contest I'm not sure if I saw it here now that you say , which if I remember was an interesting conversation of 11 / s was not a contest but it was interesting, I feel if I'm wrong we are many users and I have a bird memory;)

Now that I think about it, if you are from Japan it is almost certain that you like videogames and that you know the Konami brand, if it is so it would be super interesting if you could talk about all that if you feel like it, I would really like it a lot.
I love Japanese and video games but especially the konami brand in the 80s and 90s
my favorite game was and is salamander and the whole saga of nemesis, of course for the msx computer, do you know them?

thanks the e looked over and I love it, thanks again, I'll look more closely.