What is plyometric Exercise and how does it work?

in #exercise7 years ago

you can the joy of childhood by practicing plyometric exercises that replicate such carefree kid moves as skipping,and hopping.it is not surprising then that plyometrics or "plyos"for short are an elaboration of the foregoing moves.explosive movement.
Exercises and Workouts - Should You Focus on Weights Or Reps?
by Beverleigh H Piepers
As you go about your workout program, you may find yourself asking the question of which is more important - adding more reps or adding more weight? Many people struggle with this question and aren't entirely sure. Should they increase their rep range so they can build more muscle endurance or add more weight so they boost their strength? The answer is going to depend on a few different questions - and your answers to them. Let's go over what these are so you can answer this age-old question once and for all...
Six Benefits to Adding Boxing to Your Exercise Routine
by Andrew Stratton

When your exercise routine grows stale, switch it up by incorporating boxing. The benefits include affordability, simplicity of learning, intensity of workouts, and more.
Exercises and Workouts - Four Fitness Myths You Might Be Falling For
by Beverleigh H Piepers
As you go about your fitness routine, it's vital you take into account some of the top fitness myths many people fall for on a regular basis. Remember when it comes to seeing results, there are many ways to go about a program, so very often, it's not a matter of you "have to do this," or you "have to do that." You need to do what works for you. Don't let any fitness myths lead you to believe otherwise. Let's take a look at four myths you need to make sure you aren't falling for...
Five Ways To Add More Fitness To Your Daily Routine
by Nicole Plummer
Regular physical activity is a major component to a healthy life, but the modern world can make it very challenging to achieve. Between nine-to-five work schedules and the easy alternatives offered by technology, finding the time or will for a lengthy workout is often beyond reach to many people. Thankfully, even a minimum amount of exercise can have measurable benefits to your health, and there are many ways you can easily fit brief but vital activity into your everyday routine - here's how.
Guide to Planning an Outdoor Fitness Area and How to Furnish It
by Meagan Deacon
Within the last year, adult outdoor playgrounds have been popping up all over the country. These playgrounds are packed full of low-impact fitness equipment from balance beams to pull-up bars. They are typically located near a children's play area so that working moms or caregivers can both exercise to lose weight and also watch over their children while they play on the swings or slides. Studies show that physical exercise can ward off obesity, depression, diabetes, heart disease and memory loss but the various responsibilities of children can make this impossible to add into a daily routine.
Get Off The Couch and Workout
by Gregory L Gomez

However, if you've made it a point to change your life around, and if your doctor has given you the OK, you need to drill in your head that it's time to get off the couch. It's not as if you need to completely abandon that piece of living room furniture unable to ever enjoy its comfort again. Instead, you should strive to do some type of workout before you relax on the couch if that is what you typically enjoy doing in the evening hours. It may help to think of the couch now as your reward for working out for an hour.
Why You Shouldn't Exercise to Lose Weight
by Tanja M Shaw
I want to let you in on a secret. If you want to be successful with a fitness program, do not exercise to lose weight. Before you start thinking, "why am I wasting my time at the gym?
How Is Fitness Affected by Genes?
by Christopher Tisch
Science now shows that a person's genetic code affects their ability to achieve physical fitness. Learn how this is possible here.
Life Change Ahead
by Yonit Yermish
This is it, it's official. It's happening, and it's real! Am I crazy? Do I know what I am getting myself into? Not really, but people are doing it all the time, so I guess I could do it, too.

Indoor Cycling
by Elly McGuinness
With spring fast approaching and as the likelihood of your legs seeing the light of day draws closer, the desire for lovely strong, toned buttocks and legs also grows. Perhaps it's still a little cold for you to want to get out and exercise your legs in the great outdoors, and maybe the idea of doing cardio or weights in the gym seems a bit boring for you to want to stick to it. If so, consider adding indoor cycling to your fitness regime as a fun and effective alternative way to achieve those outcomes you're striving for. Here's the lo-down on this popular group exercise class:
A Karate Approach To Calisthenics
by Owen Johnston
The first part of the article details the stages of skill development. Second, I talk shortly about the karate and calisthenics connection. I then go into detail about pushup variations that are at least somewhat common in karate dojo, and/or have direct benefits to karate techniques. Lastly, I provide a real world example of a fully integrated karate approach to calisthenics.
Get Your Body "Winter Sport Ready"
by Elly McGuinness
Are you feeling fit, strong, agile, and well-prepared for the winter sport season ahead? Or have you neglected your training regime over the spring and summer, thinking that you can pick up your favourite winter physical activity where you left off at the end of last season? If the latter statement sounds like you then you may want to consider following a few pointers so you can perform well this winter.
The Competition Is On
by Gini Cunningham
As surely as the sun rises and the moon glimmers, physical competition is a necessity of life. It may be bringing home the gold, or simply that awesome feeling of accomplishment. any way it happens in a fantastic boost of energy and a great wave of success. It may be winning or it may be a personal best. Competitors have a drive and determination to be admired.
Exercises and Workouts - Four Bodyweight Moves You Should Start Doing
by Beverleigh H Piepers
Looking to boost your fitness level without going to the gym? If so, then you might want to consider some of the top bodyweight exercises you can start including in your workout program to see excellent results. The great thing about bodyweight activities is they can be done anywhere, so your workout goes where you go. Let's take a look at four great bodyweight activities for you to consider...
Wow! Can Exercise Do That Too?
by Ignatius Ajuebor Jnr
Exercise has a number of amazing, life-changing benefits. It can help prevent depression, heart disease, and diabetes, and it can also fend off weight gain and improve circulation and lung capacity.We often hear about the physical benefits of exercise, less often are the other benefits (e.g. psychological benefits) promoted. Yet, engaging in a moderate amount of physical activity will result in improved mood and emotional states.
Avoiding That Dreadful Plateau
by Phillip J Schiefer
You've been pushing up more weight at the gym but now you notice that it's getting harder and harder to increase the weight. You may have hit that dreaded plateau. Find ways to avoid it and to keep your gains coming.
Physical Conscience
by Gini Cunningham
While we all are familiar with moral conscience, that ticking inside of our heart and soul that guides and protects us as we cruise the waters of morality and immorality, I'd like to discuss physical conscience as well. Our moral conscience includes our ethics and principles, our honesty and integrity. Moral conscience steers us through right and wrong, through forgiveness to healing. It directs to pure living while also helping us avoid judgment and criticism of and about others. It empowers us with goodness.
Exercises and Workouts - Three Leg Press Variations For You To Try
by Beverleigh H Piepers
One of the very best machine-based exercises that is ideal for you to add to your lower body workout routine to help better develop both strength and power, is the leg press. This exercise is great for those who don't quite feel as comfortable in the squat rack but who still want to really hoist some heavy weight for their quad, hamstring, and glute training. Plus, there are a few different variations you can do with this machine based exercise that will help to challenge your body even further, allowing you to see optimal results. Let's go over what these are so that you can begin including them in your personal workout routine...
Using Biohacking to Improve Your Health
by Christopher Tisch
Biohacking is applying the DIY approach to personal biology. This philosophy is now being used to transform our concept of personal health.