Are some of you so aimless and bored that you must troll my comments and posts? It's hilarious you clowns seek to utilise twitter to attract users when 90% of you lack the intelligence, decency, and ability to assimilate the most toxic social media platform on earth. FFS you people live in a bubble and it's fucking funny.
Look, anyone that knows me at all is fully aware idgaf about what kind of connection you might have thought we had here. The list of hivers I wouldn't cut is getting very slim and yes that's an abstract way of saying IRL it's likely that I'd react physically to shut your pie holes. I'd dare this front end to censor me for such a soft fantastical threat knowing online chats are free speech right? I'll just find other front ends to prove my point that this place is a mess and deserves to be relegated to the abysmal standards it has long supported. through its incompetence and deception.
Yes, I will keep this up for 13 weeks bc that's how long you scam artists chose to make a full liquidation. Brilliantly done in a volatile crypto market that trades on 15 minute intervals. Slow clap for another failure.
Amazing that steem still has a higher value more market share and a brighter future because dystopian capitalistic machinations are like that. You sycophantic cucks can't handle my truths that expose this quasi elaborate ponzi scheme. If I leave here and everyone but 6 people despise me I'm fine with that but in the meantime the choice is yours to shut me up, ignore me, or convince me not to do all my irrelevant ass can to ensure all you stakeholders stay underwater. 
So here is the deal if I don't know you from steem, and we don't have an established camaraderie it's highly unlikely I will be pleasant when you show up here to Cape for this cesspool. Admit you've got super duper duped and superman ain't coming.
U cunts that are mad u invested fiat and many hours into this and have not cashed out. I did but I'm poor and barely surviving yet you motherfuckers choose to objectify me when I'm the only winner here. It's so obvious the jealousy, even at theycallmedan has lost his ass while I'm up thousands of no initial investment. I should be the twitter tale but y'all have consistently sought out to fuck me and drag me.
Without the respect of one account here I'd have never prospered. Do you know how I met that account? A flag war on my 5th day here in which @fulltimegeek a nut put me in the line of fire of Bernie Sanders and not one account came to my defense. That's exactly how terrorists are bred. So fuck u all and know that I will put all my efforts into opposing the twitter campaign and I've blocked each of you fuckstix already. If need be I've got plenty of sock puppets and access to thousands of leftists ready to swarm your piece of shit hive.
Sincerely yours the God Shiva skram
It's sad how so many people behave this way where they only see Hive as an income source, which they brag about how much they've made of and if one day that is slightly taken away they turn against it and go the extra mile to tarnish what it truly is instead of being thankful for when it has helped them. You truly are a disgrace to humanity at its core.
Lol I've forever talked shit about you creep.
It's amazing how you can't just let me be. You wanna fluff me too?
U represent all that I seek to abolish in this world.
You told me my entire existence here was shit u fuck wad. U actually think I care about your flags? It's the principle. U calling me a piece of shit when i just paid 1000usd 4 30 pills. 😂 think i care about your lil bitch ass flags u soaker. I've legit double tapped and buried better men so check your I'm a hive boss facade
The more I read about you the more shit I believe you are. Pretty wise to also admit to murder on a blockchain where you have your bitch face posted to, congrats!
I was talking about a video game
U scared pussycat?
Sounds more like you did with that video game save.
Look atchu still not contributing to anyone. Incel af
Free speech, statue of limitations I'm going to be just fine
So I'm not getting my 5 USD back from u ? Cunt?
Why? Not only are you not bringing any value to Hive you're admitting to want to do anything in your power to shit on it on Twitter? Just cause you get some autovotes from your neighbor doesn't mean the platform owes you shit. Now piss off.
I don't think I'll be meeting your demands.
Maybe u should piss off you fascist cunt
I've been in the crosshairs of both. Twice.
Not that I care about it anymore. I used to, but then I figured it doesn't really matter. My posts weren't very high quality anyway.
And now that we've moved on from Steem, the whales don't have that much power anymore.
It's one strange place this, some talk about bringing in lot's of people yet they treat some already here like crap. How is that a winning formula? It isn't that's what.
Maybe the lots of people that may join won't behave the way that deserves to be treated like crap.
You're an idiot
It's not my usual mode to generalise but my I was disillusioned from the the first week and I've tried to see beyond that experience but i just can't let it go. I do honestly want a decentralised social media platform to succeed but skramism won't allow any trust of the politicians here. I know the tech is phenomenal but just like any collectively built ecosystem there will be war.
Meh fuck proper grammar, it's obvious i hate most all of you so don't get pedantic about my typos when this English dominated platform has oppressed other tongues. BTW I speak 5 languages enough to have gotten me around the world a few times. How many of u still haven't left home for more than a vacation that exploits other cultures?
Oh! then, I suspect you are not now in the mood as to participate in the newest #HivePosh campaign in Tweeter. Right?