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RE: The Ballad of the Buddhist Chicken

cool, thanks for sharing. I've been a Christian my entire life (you know what I mean) of the protestant variety - i've had my seasons of doubt, etc but I've always come back where I started.


Ohoho! ;) Good one!

I can't say I know many protestants. The religion itself isn't large here, as far as I know. I have read up on it though, well mainly on Martin Luther. No matter the differences in religion, what's more important is our compassion for each other and respect for each other's beliefs :D

Unfortunately religion (specifically Christianity in America) has become more of a tool than an actual belief system (I know this isn't unique to america) and, needless to say, most of "Christianity" is nothing like what Jesus intended, I would say. Even among Christians there are huge divides; personally I always go back to when the disciples asked Jesus as the greatest commandment was and He said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself." To me that pretty much sums it all up and that means to love everyone, period. Crazy what doctrine does, ha.

Oh I definitely agree with you there. People in power have twisted the belief system to suit their needs. With everything that happened from then to now, I'm surprised that religion still has semblance to its roots. It's really what drove me to agnosticism.