Exodus + Trezor

in #exodus6 years ago

Got my Hands on a Sleek Trezor Model T and Now Testing The Exodus+Trezor Integration.

Exodus is one of the best desktop wallets out there, and one which I have used for over a year now. They have a super sleek Desktop app and recently they released a beautifully designed mobile app. The Exodus app is both super intuitive and easy to use. Plus, it gives you all the security features found on most wallets out there: Password protection and wallet recovery via 12-word phrase.

The app comes packed with many features like a Wallet Backup, Auto Lock, App Themes, and Fiat Currency selection. I will dive more into these features on a later post.

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EXODUS + Trezor

When I heard that Exodus was partnering with Trezor to integrate hardware wallet functionality within the app, well, I was pretty damn excited. I was very out spoken about it too. And to my surprise, I think the Exodus team heard my yapping and decided to send me a Trezor Model T to test out the new Exodus features.

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Running Exodus + Trezor
To test the new integration features you must a) Download the latest version of Exodus, and b) have a Trezor Hardware Wallet. Pretty damn simple.

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By the way, you can get yourself a 10% Discount on a Trezor, thanks to our friends at Delta App, if you follow this link:

If you have not done so or if you are setting up a new Trezor Wallet, like myself right now, you will need to visit: https://trezor.io/start/ and get your wallet setup.

At one point I noticed the screen on the Trezor device turned 90 degrees. I disconnected and re-connected. This corrected the screen orientation. Not sure if this is a known bug.

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I opened Exodus and it detected my Trezor was connected. It recognized the firmware was up to date and asked me to Pair.

The integration is smart and intuitive and follows the common Exodus design style: simple, modern, colorful and easy to follow.

The Trezor wallet shows up as a tab in the upper banner. And one can easily switch between the Trezor and the Exodus portfolios by clicking each tab. Something I noticed on the Trezor tab, if the device is connected and unlocked, the tab shows a green “Eject” icon. If you click the icon it goes away and your Trezor has been successfully disconnected.

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Hmmm. The screen on the Trezor device keeps rotating 90 degrees, now it has gone the other direction...

Thoughts 'n Thoughts

A Move Feature

The first thing I wanted to do was to load my Trezor. For this test I chose Ripple because it is fast and the fees are near zero.

And I run into my first problem. There is no way to move funds (alas!). I can exchange funds from Exodus to Trezor but there isn't a simple Move Funds feature.

Why do I want this? Well, think of it as moving cash out of your shoe box into a safe box. Yes, in this scenario Exodus is the shoe box, albeit a very sophisticated and secured one.

So what’s the point of integration if I still have to manually go look for addresses and do the old copy-paste to simply transfer funds. Not exchange, but just transfer.

A welcomed feature would be the ability to move funds by drag and drop. It may be a nightmare to code this feature but it would be nice to have. Imagine this: you click and drag the XRP icon from your Exodus Portfolio and release it on Trezor Tab. A Pop up window acknowledges the action and prompts you for the amount to be transferred, and to verify the receiving address on your Trezor device. Then you click accept and done. No copy and paste or unnecessary clicks.

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A very useful feature is the ability to exchange coins from Exodus to Trezor and vice versa within app. However, I attempted to trade my small XRP position for some BAT and was given the following warning.

Apparently, I am too Ripple poor to make trades. By the way, the same warning is present on the Exodus portfolio, so this is not a Trezor integration thing.

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The Eject Button

I really like the simplicity of the “Eject” button on the Trezor tab but I wish it locked my Trezor Device when the Eject icon is clicked off.

When the icon is off, you are not allowed to Send or to Verify Addresses on the Trezor. These options are grayed out and unavailable. So the feature works, I just wish it locked my device too.

I also wish there was a Connect button. So for instance, if you Eject the Trezor, and the Trezor Locks, you could click on a Connect button and the Trezor would Prompt you to enter your PIN. As of now, the only way to re-connect is to unplug and plug the device.

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Private Keys

Exodus allows you to view your Private Keys. Just select a coin, then click on the Hidden Drop menu on the right side corner, and select View Private Keys. This is not the case when you are on the Trezor Portfolio tab. Trezor has an added layer of protection that prevents your private keys from ever showing. They are stored locally within the device. For some this is a nice feature while others may find it irritating. More details here: https://support.exodus.io/article/1101-how-do-i-view-my-trezor-private-keys

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###Verify Addresses
One cool feature is the ability to verify Trezor Portfolio addresses, viewed on Exodus, on your Trezor Device. On Exodus, choose the Trezor Portfolio tab, choose a coin and click on the Receive button to show your receiving address and QR code. In the Pop-Up, there is an option to Verify this address on your Trezor. Sweet!

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Buy With Card

I was hoping to see this feature on Exodus. Hopefully the team can add this option to the Exodus+Trezor app and turn into a One-Stop Crypto shop. Maybe integration with Changelly is next?

So Far

I have played with the Exodus+Trezor integration for only a few hours and have found no real issues but rather a few feature requests. Initializing my new Trezor Model T was a breeze, no awkward connection issues. Exodus quickly recognizes the new device and syncs easily. You would think this is expected and nothing to be surprised about, and yes, you would be right. But my experience with other wallets have been slightly different and difficult. So to me, this is a huge plus.

Exodus+Trezor got me exactly where I needed to be: ready for trading on my new Trezor without the need to read a Reddit blog or ask for help on Discord or Slack.

So yeah, keep up the good work Exodus Team!



https://www.exodus.io/trezor/ https://trezor.io/