The Masaru Emoto Rice Experiment - My Home-made Test and its Results

in #experiment8 years ago

Some time ago I did the Masaru Emoto's rice experiment at home, for two months, and I documented the results with a video, too.

The experiment is easy, and it may show the existence of some effect of the human words and will on matter, like water and rice. This is something that science, at least the official one, isn't able to explain (but if you can prove me wrong, please let me know in your comments).

The Masaru Emoto's rice experiment

  • put the same rice and water in three identical glass jars
  • write the phrase "thank you" on a jar, "you're a stupid" on another, and leave the third blank
  • every day for two months, go to the "thank you" jar and say thank you to it, go to the "you're a stupid" jar and say it that it's a stupid, and ignore the third one
  • at the end of the experiment, go and check the difference among the three jars
    Here are the three jars taken from the original Emoto's experiment:

screenshots from Emoto's youtube video

Video Footage of the Experiment by Emoto's himself

My home-made version of the same experiment

My experiment was about 2 months long. I closed each jar to prevent insects of food falling into them, I used the same water and rice and identical jars. I found a big difference between the "thank you" jar and the "you're a stupid" jar, while the "ignored" jar was quite similar to the "you're a stupid" one.

The video is a little bit dark and I apologize for that (it was done back in 2011), but I hope you can still see the difference among the three jars.


Go to my youtube video description to find a link to my Steemit feed.

Final thoughts

Masaru Emoto has been criticized for not using the double blind scientific method, so his results and experiments are not fully scientific. Still, the experiment worked for me and impressed me deeply.
The consequences of this experiment (if proven to be true) are really interesting:

  • the observer do influences the observed phenomenon
  • human body is 80% (or more) made of water, so each thought and word may influence it
  • a scientific, objective truth can not exist, because it will always depend on the observer's influence and perturbation

I would really like to know what you think about it and maybe try it yourself and see what happens!

NOTE - I didn't use the science tag, because I don't know if it would be 100% accurate to describe this experiment.

Please leave your feedback, resteem and follow me @andrew0


Upped & followed. Many thanks for this. A great idea to do the experiment yourself. There is no better way :)

Thank you so much!
EDIT I'm already following you :)

My pleasure. Thanks for the comment & follow :)

You have officially freaked me out! Very interesting!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

I'm very happy about that!
You can find more about Masaru Emoto, but I think this is the most interesting experiment everyone can do at home ;)

wow...nice man! (;

THank you!

Thank you for sharing this :)

You're welcome!
It's so easy: try it yourself and see what happens :)

Strange thing if this is true. Upvoting fo the entertainment value!

Please consider supporting our project too!

Thank you for your feedback!
Following you to learn more about your project, SteemOn!

What I find most fascinating about this if it is indeed true, is how it applies to us as human bodies and beings. Given that we are made up of a large percentage of water, the thoughts we hold all day, everyday could be influencing us like these experiments show with the rice, and the ones I have seen with water crystals.

One can then start to comprehend how thoughts could influence us after all.

Yes, Masaru Emoto also made some books about the water crystals and how they are different, when taken from water that was exposed to different words, labels or music.
The problem is that he chooses arbitrary crystals to prove his theory, not using the double blind.
Still, his studies are fascinating and somehow confirmed by the modern quantum physics.