What if... What if there was no money (energy accounting) involved? Who could pay bullies to enFORCE Their will? Who could buy up businesses and then distort their intentions? How would psychopaths come to control things when the genetic Ones are only about 1%
When We look to societies that emerged in abundance, We discover that They did not develop money. Yes, they were few and far between, but there were some. And though culture varied, all of them had the caring Ones taking care of things, and People did things and maintained things for the good of All.
The psychopaths learned to choose Their behavior Ethically or be cast out - or killed.
Yes, in some of these societies the psychopaths took advantage of spiritual perspectives, creating religions that sacrificed People, as that was Their only path to power. But as a rule, this did not happen, and were We to apply the abundance We now have access to, along with the three Laws of Ethics, such practices would not take hold.
Money is Their only tool to power.
The End of Entropy (article): https://peakd.com/informationwar/@amaterasusolar/the-end-of-entropy