Space Exploration Space Exploration is an exploration of Earth in search of the mysteries of space. Generally human and ribbots. This search is conducted through a powered spacecraft. The first step in sending human made objects to space was. German scientists. On October 3, 1942, German scientists sent the rocket "V-2" experimental to space. Then on October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union sent the world's first satellite "Pootnik-1" to the space. The world's first manned spacecraft is "Vostok-1" (Vostok-1). On April 12, 1961, 27-year-old Russian spacewoman Yuri Gagarin traveled through the space of "Vostok - 1". At this time, "Vostak-1" rotates in an orbit around the Earth once in an hour and forty-four minutes. Within a month, an alien space station by Alan Shepherd's satellite spacecraft Mercury Redstone 3 In space. | On February 20, 1962, the United States sends John Plane's spacecraft "Mercury - Atlas 6" into space.