Angels Long To Look Into These Things

originial painting by Megan Elaine Fleming, 1998

February 4, 2018
Commentary on this post:
When I wrote the following essay, I was in the middle of reconciling (or trying to) perspectives on spiritual transformation/ascension from entities allegedly from higher densities than us, and my Biblically-influenced perspectives at that time.

A bit of Biblical worldview for background:
The meta-narrative states that man was created by God as innocent, good; that God allowed the choice between good and evil (symbolized in the Genesis story by eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil); that the “first” humans “fell” - meaning they chose to disobey, they chose “evil.” Then God could no longer “walk with them in the garden” - meaning, their relationship with God was broken as was that of every descendant thereafter, and they were doomed to both physical and spiritual death, unless blood was shed in repentance for repeated wrongdoing. Then Jesus shows up and sheds his blood, and rises again. People who call on the living Christ for forgiveness start a new life free of the curse incurred by the first sin, and can be “saved” to eternal life as if the “fall” never happened.

The meta-narrative I was running into from extraterrestrial entities:
God creates all. God gives his creation opportunity to follow Universal Law or to reject it. All life is progressive from less, to more; in density (how material or immaterial something is), in intelligence; in following universal law; in consciousness; in love. When intelligent beings move from more, to less - or, when they devolve, or even just refuse to grow - they are rebelling against the order of all things. Eventually, such entities who persist in stagnation will cease to live. In this worldview, there is no ancestral sin to carry - every person is responsible for his or her own progression. Thus, no one act in history (like a death on a cross) applies in a blanket way to a group of people. Eternal life is presumed unless the person chooses to stop progressing towards Universal Law (Love, and God-Source). Both individuals at the micro level and large populations at the macro level can go through progression (also known as ascension). So, we can talk about a person going through the growth stages, or we can talk about the collective civilization of Earth moving from less, to more in line with Universal Law.

Also helpful background: Densities are on a continuum from 1 (most “dense” state; example minerals, elements) to either 7 or 13, depending how they are categorized, 13th being the most immaterial, or “pure spirit” state of being. On the 1-13 density scale, the threshold between 6th and 7th is where you are more immaterial than material in nature.

The following was written before I learned more about the difference between evolutionary mortals whose origins are a material planet, and angels, who are created as higher density beings. The point I was marveling at was the incredible value we experience, having passed through the entire continuum, as contrasted with angels, who do not.

Even if that means knowing excruciating suffering first hand.

Even if that means we go through severe doubts about the Goodness of Source.

Even if that means we often fail to see the meaning in the mess that is Earth.

Angels long to look into these things: their appreciation for goodness, truth, and beauty is only as deep as the evil, lies, and hideousness they have known.

Our attainment of these things, on the other hand, is made priceless by the depths of depravity from which we’ve come.

Originally posted in my Jesus and Aliens blog
on October 27, 2015.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

What happens to a race that never “ate from the tree?”

They don’t have knowledge of Good and Evil?

Treb Bor Yit-NE, the ancient Pleadian, explains that his race is now in the 6th density, and that once races cross over from physical to non-physical densities, the dichotomy between “good and bad” becomes obsolete (if I understand correctly):

Because in all reality and all actuality,
once the negative entity is done with its physical
existence, and once the positive entity is done with
its physical existence, we all tend to go back into
what you call the non-physical existence, which is
negative and positive combined (p. 19 Benevolent Hybrid Reptilian Humans).

If “Ascension” - the moving of a race from a lower density to the next one incrementally - is possible and the way life works, then is “descending” also possible?

Is that what the Bible means, literally, by “the Fall” of Mankind? Did we go from 4th density (having achieved unconditional love in the Garden of Eden with Creator) to 3rd when we chose to taste the forbidden fruit of knowing about good and evil?

And what happens, density-speaking, when the Creator of the Universe indwells a human spirit like what happens upon accepting Jesus Christ’s atonement for our sin and Holy Spirit baptism?

We are immersed instantaneously in unconditional (Agape) love, for starters, even in our 3rd density, with no long meditation experience necessary;
We experience the fruits of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control;
We experience the gifts and manifestations of the Spirit - singing, praying and prophesying in tongues and/or with supernatural insight, inner and physical healing, discernment of (evil) spirits and the ability to free humans from them, being “slain” in the Spirit (a state of pure joy and love that often renders one immobile and completely spiritually and physically overwhelmed),
We receive the ministry gifts - teaching, pastoring, apostolic overseeing, evangelism, and prophesy
We live in Truth (about our fallen nature) and Grace as we learn how to love God and then love others as ourselves.

Do Jesus-followers, in essence, gain aspects of the 4th density instantaneously? I am stressing this point as marked contrast to the struggles I have observed of ascension-seeking humans to achieve even a little progress in “knowing self” and “relaxing” into the oneness of all (even positive and negative combined). Yes, being transformed into the likeness of Christ is an often long process full of discipline, just as ascension-seeking is; however the difference to me is sharp. In Christ we become a new creation the moment we place him as Lord of our lives; and like an infant our new selves must mature and grow. With ascension, there is no individual moment of achieving the next density - as I understand it, the whole race must be “ready.” And you may die before that happens, only to have to live another life over again (in the reincarnation belief system).

Could it be that this instantaneous “expansion” of our spirits that occurs at spiritual new birth in Jesus is actually “alien” to the aliens? Could it be that with all their many levels of expansion beyond our 3rd density, all their superior technology, all their vast knowledge of millions of years of universal history -

Could it really be that they have no idea what it’s like to have an intimate relationship with Creator through the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, the 13th density, the All in All, the Beginning and the End? That they don’t understand what we mean when we say we are “adopted as heirs” with Christ, that we are no longer to call Christ “master” but “friend?”

As one ET describes the Creator:
This ONE spiritual source is known by various terms that
include, Absolute, Infinite Being, The Logos, God, or
All That Is. The term Infinite Being encapsulates the
idea of infinite consciousness, beyond which nothing
else can exist; nothing exists beyond the
consciousness of the Infinite Being! Then the universe
was formed within, not outside of The Infinite Being's
consciousness. The spiritual source of all life, The
Infinite Being, is therefore greater than the universe
that it created within itself. The spiritual concepts of
God employs terms like omnipresent, omnipotent and
omniscient to express the ideas of infinite
consciousness. From this expansive point of view,
God, the Original Creator, is greater than all
manifestations and, yet, is aware of every part of that
manifestation within!

~ Lon To, a female 4th density entity from the Hok-Ni planet in the Hok-Ni Solar System
(from Jefferson Viscardi and Rob Gauthier’s book Benevolent Hybrid Reptilian Humans)

I am awed by the descriptions (this is one of many I have found) of Creator by our higher density fellow creatures in this universe. The vastness of God they attempt to convey has expanded my view of God manifold. And yet, it is the same God that I believe I share my most mundane and menial moment with, the same God I’ve loved and served and who calls me “friend.”

As Biblical Scripture says (1 Peter 1:3-12),
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, 5 who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 8 Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9 for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, 11 trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow. 12 It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things.