With the ban of President Trump, many people have been rightfully disturbed and seeking solutions on how keep their voice and express themselves on the internet. Here we discuss why they actually don't want to ban you, and what we can do to combat their plan to shut down the good people among us.
https://bitchute.com/video/PDqBIM3j9CZZIt's no secret that Right-wing and Conservative individuals have been getting banned and silenced from Big Tech internet services, far more than left-wing extremists. This has been happening for years. First it started with strikes, then they moved to defunding, and then to outright banning. From large channels to small individuals. Alex Jones, banned back in 2018, was an early sacrificial figure, when he was synchronously banned from every Big Tech platform within a matter of days. A sign of more persecutions to come. Whether we like Alex Jones or not, it should have been a wake up call to everyone to see that these companies were operating in coordination, and could not be trusted.
Many media outlets have since found a friendship with these Big Tech internet services. They publish biased information and lies, which serves firstly to propagandandize the public, but also secondly, as justification for their corruption and tearing down of good individuals. Like partners in crime, Big Tech holds them up and says, "See here, this news publication reported you saying or doing something we disapprove of, therefore we shut you down".
Here are just as a few examples of Moderate conservatives censored and/or demonetized: Prager University, Rush Limbaugh, and Steven Crowder. These channels aren't radical or extreme at all. They are what you would call milk toast average conservatives. The views of these individuals are nearly that of George Bush, or Ronald Reagan. Comparing left to right, Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang are far more extreme left-wing than any of those channels are right-wing. Yet, the extreme left is hailed as champions.
With the help of extreme left-wing media, Big Tech has sought to shift the norm. People who follow Ronald Reagan type economics, and haven't changed in decades, now being labeled as far right-wing. If President Reagan is far right-wing, then what does that make of revolutionaries? What does it make of George Washington? What does it make of Thomas Jefferson? No. These men have been considered hero's for over 2 centuries.
What has grown is the extreme-left wing. Here are examples of contradicting lies and degeneracy promoted by this extreme-left:
They want us to go believe that men and women should behave exactly the same and be completely interchangeable (akin to being neutered), and that this would be a healthy and natural society.
They want us to believe that a man can be born in a woman's body, and the person can think to themselves that they should be the other sex. But at the same time, women's and men's brains' are exactly the same from birth.
They want us to believe that genetics makes someone gay, but at the same time genetics play no role in intelligence. That if you believe genetics has an effect on intelligence, then you are racist filled with hate.
The greater danger to society isn't some conservative boogie man, but the fast growing and real threat of left-wing, pseudo-science, Authoritarianism that promotes degeneracy and tears down good people. They are the extremists. Left-wing extremists. The anti-science, anti-reason, anti-truth extremists.
Our previous VidarReturns video entitled "The Morphing Morality of Hedonists" details how when we reject the evil they promote, they try to weaponize that rejection against us.
They hate us, and they especially hate when we reject evil in favor of good. Those who stand up for truth and good in this world are being suppressed and demonized. But here's the secret no one else is talking about... They don't want to permanently ban you, and they don't want you to leave.
Yes, they do permanently ban some channels, but most often they only give temporary suspensions and timeouts. The bans are mostly reserved for larger channels that they can't control, and to set a public example. They prefer suspensions and timeouts when possible instead. When you get a timeout, you're still able to come on the network and view everything, because they need your eyes. They turn you into a subservient mute. You see, permanently banning people reduces the size of their network, and they don't want that. Our presence makes them more powerful. The more eyes they control, they money, the more power, and the more influence they gain. Not only the ability to advertise, but the ability to propagandandize.
They are counting on people being so complacent, so lazy, so stupid, that they will just stay and take it... And many do. Like the symbolic monkey's with their ears, eyes, and mouth covered. The only thing Big Tech hates more than people speaking the truth, is allowing you to hear it. They don't want to ban you. They want to manipulate you. Shut you up. Have you listen only to the voices they approve of you hearing. They want to make you subservient.
They didn't ban President Trump because of him saying anything more outrageous than usual. He never followed their rules. The problem was that they couldn't control him, and they only banned him when he no longer had value to them.
In the days after the contested election, in November 2020, Big Tech posted little subliminal messages everywhere saying things like, "The Associated Press has declared Joe Biden the election winner". We should ask, when did the Associated Press become an official representative of the US Government? (Of course they aren't, and that's a rhetorical question).
Notice that Big Tech did Not post little messages saying, "The 2020 election results are being disputed by President Trump". They did Not post messages of relevant legal information to the public.
They could have posted many things, but only one path follows the biased narrative that they seek to promote. When we look for the subliminal influence, it is clear for anyone with eyes to see.
And with the ban of President Trump, finally many people have considered alternatives, and leaving these manipulative platforms. This should have happened long ago. People have become complacent and weak. And ignorant, very ignorant. Conservatives on average are far more ignorant about technology than the left-wing. Just look at how the left-wing controls every large Big Tech network.
An On Blind poll recently showed that 71% of tech professionals admit there’s an anti-conservative bias in the technology sector.
In a Lincoln Network survey of USA Big Tech employees, we find that Conservatives in technology feel increasingly uncomfortable and out of place at work.
We need to get informed and prepared, because they are coming for us. Knowing how to use and shoot a gun is great, but the greatest military wins the war without ever firing a single shot. They aren't coming after us with guns. They are using Technology and Media to destroy us, and destroy the minds of children. Turning children against parents through subliminal propaganda.
The conflict has already begun, and they've been mounting their positions for over a decade. It's a fight over people's minds. A battle to win our minds, and if not our minds, the minds of our children and the next generation to turn against us.
The focus of this channel is Not Software and Technology, but as a people, we must be more knowledgeable in technology to avoid being controlled. Stop taking the Big Tech time out and keep coming back, like it's a game. It's hardly a game. They are manipulating people's minds, and they are playing for keeps. They are pushing degeneracy. Get lost. Turn it off. If not for yourself, for the people you love and care about. It's time for us to get uncomfortable.
They take profits from us, and donate millions to degenerate causes, and they get a tax write off for it. Stop feeding evil. We all know who they are:
Facebook, Twitter, Google, Google Search, Spotify, Youtube, Wikipedia, Amazon, and 100% of Apple products.
This doesn't even name all, but these are some of the largest and most obvious offenders. You may know know others. Leave them in the comments.
We must stay vigilant and informed. Too many people have grown weak, and society is suffering for it. As far as where to go, we can't give you the the silver bullet. We can't give you the best technological solutions to use, because what is the best solution today, may not be the best tomorrow. Here are some key tips: Avoid networks with advertisers. And seek out software with these keywords, "Open Source" and "Decentralized".
Right now there are lots of good people behaving like morons and sheep, joining bad networks just because their friends or some popular figure is there. Networks that rhyme with Bumble or Barler. Don't be a sheep just following the crowd.
Look, none of us are perfect or all knowing, and among good people we should have a variety of knowledge in many areas, and it can't be expected that everyone of us are computer savvy. You've studied hard and have skills in other areas, But when it comes to technology, it is our fault if we don't have someone technologically literate to advise us. A trusted source, or family member, or close friend. Someone who is knowledgeable and also shares our values. If you're lost in a dangerous wilderness and don't know how to read a map, then you'd better have a damn guide.
Salute to the followers of VidarReturns. Most of the subscribers on this channel are already on all forms of upstanding networks, and it shows. We have a YouTube channel, but we purposefully avoid promoting it.
We don't recommend any single solution for success, but there are good networks we use at this time. At the end of this recording, you'll see all the great networks we are on.
To recap, it's not just about money. They want to control your mind, and the minds of those you love, and everyone around you. They are working with specific media outlets to promote anti-science and anti-truth Authoritarianism. They are turning family against family, and breaking down society.
People getting upset and wanting a change is one of the best things that can happen, but don't jump from one sinking ship to another one that will eventually sink also. Make the change to network that is superior to censorship in some way. Keywords "Open Source" and "Decentralized". Get someone knowledgeable to help you. And encourage your friends and family make the switch as well. Do it right, and never get comfortable. Comfort is for the weak.
Stay blessed and stay strong. Developing a future of excellence.
Hubzilla https://ussr.win/channel/vidarreturns
YouTube https://tinyurl.com/y5ngzpht
Matrix_Chat https://matrix.to/#/#v6893:matrix.org
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