TY for reading, and yep, look deeper!! It surely is not...
BTW, check it up, I was the one here promoting CryptoTab
Many screamed scam and ponzi...
Today my CryptoTab 10 lev network has more than 78K members (most not active)
but still, some are mining and it is going and paying like a clock :-)
What I tried to say with the above, EXXA is NOT any scam!!
Everything about this screams ponzi. 10 lev network? Ponzi. Try to withdraw your funds. See how that goes.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Good One ha ha, I used the wallet more than few times already, why not, I just use it as I used Coinbase, and same, does not cost me anything besides the network fee.
From the Devo+Robo, I can withdraw my funds every second too, just click on the currency and click on deduct, and can take from there some or everything any time.
Yes, I heard about CloudToken issues, (hope those are not permanent though) but Exxa is NOT CloudToken! This is not 100% confirmed, but there are talks about private keys for all the main crypto, so that would quiet down all the ponzi names callers...
As to 10 levels deep, super, I love it, actually one has chances to earn to the infinity down, but wide is restricted to 16 ;-)
Forgot to add, it is not wise to judge the program by its level, L7Trade only rewarded for 1 st level and it proved to be the biggest resent scam. People lost there piles and piles of money. And you know what, i do not want to brag, but you kind of asked for it, I knew L7 does not doing any real arbitrage trading, I knew they are only a ponzi, I compared the buy and sell prices in some of the least known exchanges, they never agreed... I even joined them, but researched it more, and never invested there or promoted.
Gosh, just look at the management team, check online their credibility, do you really think those people can scam?? Look at the posts and pictures from the Grand Opening ceremony, check their office, etc, etc.
Not trying to convince you to join or something, just trying to stop that ponzi names calling :-)
This company here, registered as business in 2003, owns 25% of exxa shares:
And here you can see the names of the rest of Exxa shareholders:
Everything with them is an open book, this is why I believe it can't be just another ugly crypto ponzi...
Thanks for reading and commenting, it gives me a chance to give more info :-)