This is not about the year 1984, nor is it about the movie Wonder Woman 1984. This is about someone very dear to me, who was born this very day. Spoiler alert for those who haven't watched it, because I will touch on a very specific scene from the movie.

This post was triggered after watching Wonder Women 1984, specifically on the part of wishing for someone who was no longer with us. In this specific scene, Diana Prince instinctively wishes for Steve Trever to come back after touching the Dreamstone. He was resurrected in another man body but she in turn lost her power. In the end, she realises that it is not meant to be and denounce her wish to get her power back to save the world.
You see, after the death of someone dear to me, I also sometimes wish that this is just temporary and she would magically reappear back into my life. But I also know, being a person of science, this is not possible. It's just wishful thinking. Would I want to wish for it if a Dreamstone or The Gauntlet appears in front of me? Maybe not, because what I have now is also far too important to be lost. Her spirits did follow me, but I manage to convince her to let me go. Can that be considered science? After all, it's just energy transfer, no?
Anyway, one particular song reminds me of her. I imagined that this could be what she was thinking when she asked me, after completing her radiotherapy treatment, to find somebody else. Your wish is my command.
Think I'm going to find The Monkey's Paw. Looks interesting.
Posted from my blog with Exxp : https://www.northborneogeek.com/2021/11/wonder-of-1984/