Posted from my blog with Exxp :
I have a new keyboard that I love.

I went with Hamish to one of my favourite shops, Kustom PCs in Ayr, to get him a new keyboard and mouse. It was a really good day out and, while we were there, I kind of fell in love with this keyboard. I already have a DuckyOne 3 with silent red cherry switches and I love it, but this one in the shop had silver speed switches and it felt great. I certainly didn't need another keyboard though, and we're totally skint, like beyond skint, so I exercised some restraint and said no.
As I walked away, I started feeling that sense of obsessiveness that plagues me. The keyboard looked so cool, and the feel of the keys and switches started to grow into something quite irresistible in my head. I kept talking about it with Hamish, to which his response was, "Dad. Remember - it isn't even backlit."
And I was like, "Oh yeah. That wouldn't really work, would it?"
But I couldn't get it out of my head.
Then I remembered that I'd ordered a fountain pen to mark my 6000 days of recovery and, when it still hadn't arrived after nearly six months, I cancelled the order.
Aha. Justification!
So I jumped on Kustom PC's website and ordered the keyboard. It's been with me for a week now, and honestly, it's so good. I absolutely love it. And honestly, that's why I'm on my old website writing a post, as a way to use the keyboard.
My idea is that this website is pretty much redundant in that it has no readers whatsoever, so I'm going to use it as a playground to post word-soup posts, just for fun and to see what comes out. No structure, no SEO, nothing like that. I WANT to write, but I don't know WHAT to write, so I'm hopeful that by using this as my stream-of-consciousness typing place, I'll maybe come up with some decent ideas that might lead to something.
I'm going to be taking part in a writing group in January over at Foster, so maybe this could be a place for that? I don't know; all I know is I love this keyboard, and I want to have a place to write things with it on top of my morning pages that goes out over at and on my Patreon and my Substack. That, by the way, is an experiment of its own to see if one platform picks up over the others and as a way of providing something to the few people that do pay a monthly subscription on my Patreon.
My Morning Pages are quite important to me as it gets me doing something creative with my first cup of coffee of the day and also as a way to use my beloved fountain pens.
So, that's that. Thankfully I kept Sunbane going after almost not renewing the domain name -- although I suppose this kind of rambling could go out on Tumblr or elsewhere too. It's kind of nice to have it all on Sunbane though, as that's the blog that's been with me the longest, since Web 2.0 was an exciting thing and Wordpress was still basically unusable if it even existed.
Do you make more from the other sites that from Hive? I doubt I could make more elsewhere, but then I'm not going to take ads.
Considering how much time I spend at a keyboard I ought to spend more on it. Currently got a cheap Microsoft one. Others have just died over the years. I did have a hefty Cherry one with my first PC, but that was before USB.
The one channel that makes anything is my affiliate channel, which is just as well as that's its sole purpose. Except that its costs still outweigh its revenue. I had expected it to be breaking even by now.
Given the recession we're heading into, I'm starting to wonder whether to keep going or just pull the plug on it.
Keyboards though? Definitely a good use of a few quid! I used to use the old IBM buckling spring types with the PS/2 connector, but I'm enjoying the new one even more.
I'm not bothered about lights and stuff. This one is not too bad actually. Has a decent feel to it. I know you can pay hundreds for a keyboard and some people are really picky.
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