On March 8th, just under two hundred people gathered at Crystal Gardens to celebrate the work of
Livingston County United Way and its commitment to making our community a great place for
everyone to grow up, raise a family and retire.
Jeff Blagg, Pastor at SonRise Church and current United Way Board President, kicked off the annual
meeting by recognizing outgoing board members, Carole Damon and Brian Jonckheere, for their
years of service and dedication. He also welcomed newly elected board members; Carol Griffith,
Co-owner of Griffith Realty; Frank Mancuso, Attorney and partner at Mancuso & Cameron, P.C.;
Jenny Nash, Livingston County Treasurer; Joseph Ptolemy, software developer with X by 2; Karen
Rex, Master Gardener and Beekeeper; and Bob Musch, Retiree from Dow Corning and Community
Rena Pomaville of Tsunagari Services, Inc. and Nicole Mandziuk, Development and Marketing
Director at United Way, shared the success of United Way’s Community Events: Day of Caring, Tour
de Livingston and Matching Money Monday. They also recognized Workplace Campaign Successes:
15 Top Partners who are the largest donors for the campaign each year
13 Campaign Champions who had 100% participation of their employees
75 Campaign Champions who increased their donations this year over last!
They thanked all donors for their commitment and support of the organization’s work.
Rick Todd of Pinckney Community Schools thanked both Ore Creek Craft Cidery & Tap Room and
Uptown Coffee for holding the first “round-up at the register” campaign, which allowed customers
to add some change to their bill to support United Way. As Rick continued to share how these
donated dollars make a difference in our Hometowns, Our local school mascots interrupted his
speech to fire up the audience. Even though the important communication about tackling hunger,
helping older adults age in place, ensuring people are safely housed and addressing mental health
were emphasized, the mascots really brought home the positive IMPACT we can have when we
work together to support our community. Amazing things happen when we stand UNITED.
Anne Rennie, Executive Director of LCUW had the honor to present the 2022 Volunteer of the year
o Mariana Rossi, Exchange Student from Brazil– Young Person of Distinction Award
o Fowlerville High School Interact Club - Youth Organization of the Year Award
2980 Dorr Road Brighton, Michigan 48116 810-494-3000 www.lcunitedway.org
o Hayley Trombley, Livingston County Catholic Charities - Charles W. Itsell Volunteer of the
Year Award
o Carole Damon, Community Volunteer- Donald Epley Lifetime Service Award
o Michigan Rod Products - Randy Rudisill Business-of-the-Year Award
Jeff Blagg then introduced the incoming Board president, Katie Pikkarainen, with Katie Pikkarainen
State Farm Insurance. Katie thanked the staff, participants and community.
Katie and Anne Rennie, Executive Director of Livingston County United Way, recognized 2 valuable
community leaders who are retiring this year:
Mary Nye – Finance Director at United Way for 34 years
Mark Robinson – Executive Director at Livingston County Catholic Charities for the last 22
The program ended with three calls to action. One was to provide a round-up Campaign at their
business. The second was to hold an employee campaign at their business. And lastly, she invited
the participants and all members of the community to be a part of the Community Investment
process, which determines how donated dollars are invested. The CIC presentations are held at the
end of April. To get involved in the CIC process, please contact Liz Welch at
[email protected].
To learn more about the different ways to get involved or donate to the Livingston County United
Way, visit www.lcunitedway.org . The 2022 Annual Report and list of LCUW Board of Directors can
also be found on the website.
Posted from my blog G1NBC Cuyahoga County with Exxp : https://stations.g1nbc.net/howell-mi/2023/03/09/community-celebrated-at-united-ways-annual-spirit-of-the-community-breakfast/