Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. I have some great things to share, sit back and keep your pen and pencil handy.
As I build my business, learning the in's and out's has taken some time to figure out. I love having more than one mentor who is willing to point me in the right direction.
Mention: https://www.pexels.com/search/marketing/
How do you talk to prospects? There are several skills involved beyond your ability to speak to someone else. Great prospect conversations require some research, confidence, and focus on building a relationship. Don’t get caught up in making assumptions, hitting all your points, and selling to the prospect.
Know that Prospecting is Not Selling. Prospecting is about locating, connecting, and then building a relationship with potential prospects, who in time will naturally move into your sales funnel.
Be friendly, confident and share time with your prospect getting to know them and how what you have will improve their lives.
Are you offering bonuses and deals? This is a value for those looking at your business. People join when they know you are here for them and getting a good deal.
For most affiliate businesses it is crucial that they are able to pull maximum leads towards their website.
Finding consistent leads for your business can be the difference between growing a successful business… and crashing and burning. Sales lead generation techniques are critically important to keep your business afloat.
I love our coop shares for 50.00 per share for any business you are promoting. This is consistent month after month.
How to Email Leads to Gain Interaction? The first part of gaining interaction with your email leads is to make it personal. Saying something personal in the message to them about their dog, cat, where they live, etc. People don’t normally care to respond to something sent in mass so DON'T DO IT.
Use Posture When You Email Leads. Use something like this:
Hey There, I see that you are seeking financial Freedom in 2021 in Washington DC. I love Washington, took my kids there once and we had a blast, actually watched the fireworks in front of the Whitehouse on the 4th of July. Anyway, listen I am working with and always looking for sharp people to share our project we have going on with and I would love to chat with you. This is something that might not be a fit for you or it could possibly be a great fit, won’t know until we chat. Is there a time we can hop on the phone for 5 minutes to discuss?
Pretty cool, huh? Use what fits your personality. An email response that would lead to a phone conversation.
Follow these rules about emails. Don’t send an unsolicited link. Boost your attractiveness by being postured. Seek interaction, not a signup. Be personal, they should be unable to tell if it is a mass email.
How do your Social media campaigns look? Are you using specific keywords and topics? This helps you optimize your social media campaign to attract more customers to your website.
I use certain words to tell my story, being a trucker. I use travel, making money, and family time. Use what you know from your personal experiences.
Content Marketing is something you get from your Blogs, infographics, and eBooks. Find ways in which you can share content on your website. What is your content focused on?
I use everything I have learned over the last 18 months. Talking is fun, exciting, and very rewarding.
Here is my personal invitation for you to see what we have. Click Here.

Promote what You Know