Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with today's, oh my goodness thought for the day.
As I was walking around the city of Cecil county MD and praying for the people who live here, God had a message for me.
Is Life depleting you? I said no, Lord. Is life depleting those around you? I said, I really don't know, Lord.
Mention: https://www.123rf.com/stock-photo/dying_trees.html
Look around He said. AND I DID. My heart sank to my feet.
Here is a message from one of my leads from Canada. I asked him if he was still looking to make money online?
His reply was, I need $1500 asap LIKE THIS WEEK TO OPERATE, our Lil girl who's very sick, so can you lend me those then ??? Those were his exact words and spelling. I had to reply, NO Sir, sorry.
As I walk around and drive around the country, seeing people of all ages and nationality, I see the suffering. I see life depleting from the hearts and will and spirit of the people.
Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/homeless/
I see the homeless all across the USA in every major city. I see people holding signs, need help.
Hardworking people need just as much help. Drowning in a sea of debt, credit cards, mortgage, car payments. We, as a society love to pay payments based on what we can afford from our monthly paychecks.
Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/working%20together/
My message to the people who work hard just to make ends meet is, come work with us. We have the best Affiliate Marketing business to offer anyone.
Digital E-commerce is the lifeblood of today's marketers. From teaching videos, Coaching videos, Hands-on training for cryptocurrencies, Facebook, and all other social media training.
How-to videos are very popular. We use White Board Training videos, write books, and any other form to get the word out. High ticket sales, front-end sales, one-time offers.
I personally use my blog to advertise. This is working for people in other niches as well.
We are the go to- fixer of problems. We help people get from where they are, to where they want to be. You already work hard. Now time to work smart.
Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/tree/
Look at the trees below. Close your eyes and see your life full and vibrant. Full of life. Standing strong for years to come. Being in the rat race we call work will never get you where you really need to be.

The choice is now yours. What do you want? Rat race, homelessness, or FREEDOM. Click here now to join us. I really look forward to working with you. Let's set a date for you to end your RAT RACE, What do you say?

Excellent visuals, the images complimented your words well. These are trying times. Entrepreneurs like us are problem solvers. You touched on a lot of key points.
Thank you mba2020, Your words encourage me for bigger and better.