in #exxp3 years ago

Hello Everyone. Blessings to you and your family in every area of your life.

Michael The Traveling Trucker speaks words of life over you.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/god%27s%20word/

I'm going to talk about my faith, so please meditate on this for a while, then speak your thoughts.

We are to put our words into action. Joshua 1:8 " Study this book of instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

Speak words of life out loud to the UNIVERSE. Do this day after day.

Prosperity has gotten a negative view in the church and world. Many people believe prosperity has a lot to do with big houses, big cars, and big bank accounts.


Now let's study the word SALVATION: It means wholeness, complete, nothing loss, and whole. So these two words in the BIBLE mean the same identical thing.


The question is who wants their household to have good success and prosperity?

The answer is everybody. If you want to have a successful family, a successful business, to be a successful employee, and to have success and prosperity in every area of your life, you have to base your life on the word of GOD.

I know there are people who the world says are successful without believing in God. If we were to study them, how happy are they? Is there peace, joy, and happiness in their lives? Some yes, some no. It really depends on the person.

I have met people who are respectful, happy, enjoy helping others and do not believe in GOD.

It is everyone's right to choose how you live your life. I respect this deeply. Even though I would want everyone to believe in God, I don't force anyone. I talk to everyone as a friend.

When there’s a limited number of minutes available in a life, each one of them is worth more than if they were endless. In other words, time becomes a valuable “commodity.” USE IT WISELY.

It forces us to act. Knowing we can’t postpone things forever motivates us to actually get them done at some point. Every procrastinator knows the importance of deadlines and of feeling the pressure of that coming due date.

Since we’re all on the Ultimate Deadline, DEATH forces us all into taking action as soon as possible.

It makes us appreciate time

The moment we realize how valuable each minute is, we begin to appreciate rather than take them for granted. So not only is every second, minute, and hour worth more, but it counts for more as well. It’s because we know time is limited and that we can even worry we might be wasting it.

Focus on the positive.

To find long-term happiness, you need to retrain your brain from a negative mindset to a positive mindset. Try these things: Spend one to two minutes looking for positives in your life. Do this three times a day for 45 days, and your brain will start doing it automatically.

I am going to start doing this myself for the next 45 days. I challenge you to join me.

Live in the moment.

Our thoughts and feelings often revolve around the past or the future. Reality is what you are experiencing in this very moment; what you are going through right now. Sometimes we want to escape that reality. But when we stay in the present, we are fully engaged in our lives.