Greetings and Salutations from Michael The Traveling Trucker. I was asked this question recently, Why do people chase money?
I decide to take this journey to find out and share my findings with you. READY?
People want a lot of things. I find people say more money. What they really mean is what they can buy with more money. So why do they hesitate?
Most people are plodding along in their daily lives. They have an idea of what they can spend or what they can put on their numerous credit cards without making more money. They still want more, BUT are not willing to do anything to create more income.
For those willing. People can babysit, dog walk, housesit, deliver food, drive Uber, deliver phone books, or a host of other things. For those with a plan, you can make more money. It's up to YOU.
For me, if I want more money I cut someone's grass, pressure wash houses, do a yard sale. These are a few of my go-to items for making money.
18 months ago I can across Affiliate Marketing and decided to check it out and give it a try. Once into it, I said, I'm all in.
So why affiliate marketing? You make a commission selling someone else product. There is the Concept Of Passive Income. Affiliate marketing is one of the world’s most popular methods of generating passive income online.
Build your own brand, choose products that you love, create authentic content and you will be on your way to building a real source of passive income.
Imagine 8.2 billion dollars by the end of 2022. Do you want a piece of the action?
Four parties are involved in affiliate marketing: Affiliates: The promoters of the product, Product creators: The creators of the product, Networks: The networks managing the affiliates, Consumers: The end-users of the product.
An affiliate network acts as an intermediary between the merchants and their affiliates. An affiliate marketer is a person who promotes another person's product or service for a commission. 10%, 20% 50% some 100%.
At the end of the day, before becoming an affiliate, you have to align your expectations to your earning potential. What kind of industry or niche you operate in, and what kind of work you do depends a lot on how much you want to make.

Some affiliates make a few hundred a week, some a day. I have seen firsthand some earn 100k per month.
Can you write a blog, detailing your product or service? Can you create your own product or service?
For me, I decide to promote GLN- Genesis Lifestyle Network. It is a complete done-for-you system. I earn commissions when someone buys a package from a link I promote. We sell digital education. You can earn a commission of 50,100,300,600,1200 and 2000 per sale depending on the package they purchase.
Food for thought: One 2000.00 sale per month. Extra 12,000 per year. That's in your pocket commission. NOW BIGGER: 2 Sales Per Month-That's 4k for the month. Extra 24k per year. Is it starting to make you dream BIG?

Included in your system is a downline builder for other products and services. Once you sign up, you will be given a link to promote that is assigned to you. You put the ending number into the downline builder and promote it. When people sign up under you and purchase a product or service you earn a commission. How cool is that?
Imagine 18 additional income resources at your fingertips to promote. It keeps getting bigger and bigger.
Here are a few actionable steps that you can implement and follow to become a successful affiliate marketer:
This is NUMBER ONE, Never Neglect Building Your List. This is your money for the long term.
Don't give them all the information. Make them curious and what more.
Don’t Advertise The Product EVER. This is a BIG NO-NO. Use a capture page that creates wanting more from you so they reach out to YOU.
This one is CRITICAL: Be Familiar With What You Promote. Many don't and lose people. People begin to ask questions and you have no answer for them.
LEARN FROM YOUR MENTORS. They have been through it, they can and will guide you.
Keep On Reading And Learning. This is a daily course of action. Leaders are readers. They keep learning and evolving.
Push Valuable Content To The Web. What you care about, share with everyone. There are others who will have some of the same interests as yourself.
I hope this helps someone out there.
Michael The Traveling Trucker
Reach me via text/phone,whatsapp. 678-697-9841
Reach me on skype at michael.lipsey