Heh, these institutional money can bring the price down all they want, the only way they'll get my coins is from my dead hands. :D
Some nice opportunities to increase your Steem count by trading lately, though.
Heh, these institutional money can bring the price down all they want, the only way they'll get my coins is from my dead hands. :D
Some nice opportunities to increase your Steem count by trading lately, though.
I see STEEM as one of the FANG stocks.. As you said it's great opportunities for long-term thinkers and STEEMians who've long term visions!
l'm sure we'll look back into this moment in Blockchain History in few years time!
Anyone that ever wanted to add some to their account, this is the time to consider it.
Exactly. Adding close to 1000 yesterday and will add more in bits and pieces as I have spare chunks of change.