Sometimes vlogs flow. Sometimes they don't.
When you try to force it you get this....
All I tried was talk/explain about Steem to none Steemians.
I believe that when you can't keep a coherent story for 15 minutes you don't understand the subject matter or your mind is still struggling with ideas.
I refuse to edit my videos. When I lose my train of thought or start yapping for too long (using words without saying anything) I start over.
I can talk about Steem all day to Steemians but today I wanted to talk directly to people outside of Steem.
It's proven to be much more difficult.
The general subject was:
What is Steem and why would you want an account for the Steem Blockchain (to someone who never heard of it).
But while talking I kept using words that an outsider is unfamiliar with.
Paid or Free account, RC's, Blockchain, crypto, STEEM, STEEMPOWER, All the DAPPS, just to name a few.
The problem I'm running into is that I can't explain properly what Steem is to a complete noob and why he/she would want to join (and pay for STEEM to get RC's) without him having some knowledge of the subject matter.
There is just too much to tell.
I will get it. It takes times and practise. But it sure is not easy.
I found it's much easier to explain why someone would want to join a project on the blockchain.
I can explain to a gamer why he might like Steem Monsters. Or to a content creator why he might want to join Partiko.
Playing that angle is probably much better.
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Keep trying it should be a good one.
I sure will!
It's harder than you think isn't it! I wrote a few of the scripts for the first @steemonboarding videos (website hopefully coming online in February).
As an A-level teacher (16-19) I've accepted it's not possible to simplify something without getting the whole truth across. It is just impossible to translate complex social theory into something even a reasonably bright 17 year old is going to understand without upsetting someone who has a 'higher knowledge' of that theory (dumbing down is something of an irritant to HE social theorists)...
So it is with talking about steem to new steemians.... I'm fully expecting a lot of purists to moan about the onboarding videos being innacurate or misleading.... it's inevitable, but also unrealistic to expect that not to be necessary if you want to get the word out to the masses. You have to start somewhere!
Maybe that's why you're not finding your flow..... you know too much about steem!
I was about to say that @steemonbaording is a great way to do so bit saw your comment! I think the approach they are taking with integrating communities to also present themselves as new users onboard will be a great process to capture attention early and lead them to communities with similar interruptions which should improve engagement and retention. I am very excites about the project!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Me too, it's got a very human face which I like!
Great experiment and learning curve :D
I truly DO believe that for onboarding we should talk about one App that matches the specific interests of one person first. Get him to see the App, the ‘earning’ you can do within the App, and how to do more by buying STEEM/Power Up (non-Steem games sometimes need to be bought with money too, or you need to buy credits to play certain items... should be explainable).
Then, once the person is playing show him he’s embedded in an ecosystem and that the earning he does in one app can give him opportunities in the next (upvote strength, delegations).
Curious to see if you in the end will make a video for non-Steemians - it’s definitely important to reach out!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Exyle one big tip I stumbled upon is script it. Write in 350 words about the topic and read that follow that story line I'm gonna do that too again. Because I'm gonna share more about my projects in a professional way. In Dutch and English on my YouTube account greendeliverence. On my game account I just put all my frustration into steemmonsters gaming Tell something about my day look my last video of 2 hours I was broken at home send my cards to my personal account because the server could be hacked and then with the private key they could grab your funds and cards. But I needed to go to my own level again... But with some cards on cooldown you get funny moments like me reacting offensively when I only needed one win to go to the 1000 points and losing that battle 🤣😂🤣😂 ending up trying to win 3 times again to the 1000 points where you can get 5 cards for your daily. 😁 and I talk about my live the cards and my day. Trying to stay within 30 minutes screentime. 😈
Buttt if you really want to spread a message script it print it pin it down above or just under the camera so you can look in the camera and connect to everyone at the other side of the screen. But you did already a few vlogs so I think you already know that. 😁 nice seeing you Sunday again.
Posted using Partiko Android
It takes real world experience of talking to people outside of Steem to be able to form a pitch properly.
Even myself I struggle to pitch Steem to my non Steemian peers.
2 person I know who can pull it off are @bitrocker2020 (who recently just did another Steem talk) and @danieldoughty.
Talk to @bitrocker2020, he's done it a thousand times.
Posted using Partiko Android
But... so would the internet and email in their early days! I started using the internet and email in the early 1990s. But I simply could not get my friends and family to understand what they were all about. I'm not a techy type, so I certainly wasn't blinding them with science or jargon. At my workplace there were four of us who were interested in it, and the others thought we were mad - their eyes would just glaze over.
It took a few years, but they got it in the end!I agree with @revisesociology that you probably know too much about the subject to explain it coherently. And it's not an easy sell. Steemit would fail the "elevator pitch" test.
baby steps you will get there just need to try and break it down into it's basic elements.
I would say it's like digg meets blockchain.
You will need to know your audience as most people probably barely know anything about bitcoin on a technical level.
In the old days people would have their name written in a book and to change ownership the name would be crossed out. This is just a secure and more distributed version with each book keeper checking each other.
Then maybe move onto publishing and creation how that works traditionally and draw as non technical comparisons as you can.
a lot of people watch TV, Twitter or Facebook. How does steemit compare to these systems? Art industry or Music industry how does talent get discovered what's a curator? this kinda thing.
if anyone can do it, you can! :)
Great photo collection!
Why explain it to all these noobs?
One day they will get it. Ok then it is too late for them, but why should you care?
This looks like a great blooper video to me!
Where's the video? 😀
Keep up!
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Yeah, I’ve run into this problem recently, too. This magazine in town wants me to write a few articles about crypto, but every time I pitch them an idea, they come back to me saying, “Can you make this so a non-crypto person can understand this?”
It’s frustrating!
Let us know if you come across any tricks to ”dumb yourself down” for the masses.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Yeah, I’ve run into this problem recently, too. This magazine in town wants me to write a few articles about crypto, but every time I pitch them an idea, they come back to me saying, “Can you make this so a non-crypto person can understand this?”
It’s frustrating!
Let us know if you come across any tricks to ”dumb yourself down” for the masses.
Posted using Partiko iOS
This post has been included in the latest edition of SOS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.
Editor of the The State of Steem SoS Daily News.
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Editor of the weekly listing of steem radio shows, podcasts & social broadcasts.
Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.
I have been in this same position. I was at a conference and I was trying to explain to a group of people what Steemit was. I showed them my account and everything, but really it was just a bunch of blank stares. There were a couple people that were smiling, but I think I lost most of them as soon as I said crypto currency.