Excellent post, my friend. And one that makes a tonne of sense to me. It's crazy how much a select few earned back in the day, lol. One thing I'd like to add, if I may. All you hear these days is quality content "this" and "that". I'll give 100 Steem to anyone who can define what exactly so-called quality content really is. That's simply impossible to do, it's just plain too subjective. But that's the universal excuse being made right now.
And here's the joke of it. You're gonna love this one. "With" bidbots and linear rewards, the trending page is full of people who bought their way to the top. Doesn't really reflect quality or not, I suppose. "Without" bidbots and an n2 model, it's be the same hand full of people always at the top. "Just" like it was when we first signed up. We saw that first hand so both of us can vouch for it. I'll let everyone else decide on which "quality" model works better, lol.
This is a DPOS system. Nothing can ever make it a "fair" balanced model to please everybody. That's ridiculous nonsense. No matter how much you tweak the settings from behind the red curtain. I personally think the system is fine for what it is now.
Now, let's just get our heads down and all move in the direction of SMT's, shall we? We want two steps forward, not two steps back...
Thanks man and I agree. The trending page has never been about quality content just about people knowing how to get there and I'm fine with that or in other words it has never bothered me.
Everyone is on their own journey.
Neither did the blockchain care. It still keeps growing with a ton of development behind it.
I don't understand the talk about n^2 either.
Under n^2 the posts of high Steem power holders would do even better than they are right now. And the posts of minnows even worse but with the consequence that they will lose the voting power they enjoy today.
Linear makes the most sense for me and SMT's can be used to figure out hundreds of different economic models and people will gravitated to the ones they want.
Right on, man. Remember the days of having 10,000 Steem only to have your vote worth one cent? Jeez, I'd hate to go back there again. And imagine how those with way less SP would feel? Sounds like a dystopia to me. We saw what things were like back then and I'd hate to return to the "ice-age". Let's hope common sense prevails. :)