Hey, @exyle.
It would be great to ask questions in that manner within Communities, and I can only hope that it can work out in a way that you describe.
I guess for me, there is only a problem with asking a question on STEEM in post form because of the potential for rewards. On Facebook, Twitter, etc., you ask the question, no problem. On STEEM, I would say the majority of us have some amount of autovotes coming in on everything we do.
That tends to bring the "rewards police" out and in some cases, rightfully so. In others, it's totally overboard if not misuse of the downvote.
If there's a sub category where questions can go, I see that working out still, but if it's going to go into just one feed of the community in question, that could cause some issues, too. Being able to filter things, maybe? Any of those abilities in your testing of Communities?
There's always going to be a value ratio in anything we do as long as the potential for rewards are attached. The community itself might highly value certain things, but we've seen in the past where higher reward allocation to value (such as Dmania with their large delegation routinely upvoting memes folks copied and pasted from elsewhere on the internet) basically caused controversy and ended with Dmania having their delegation revoked and now Dmania is long gone.
So, as you say, less judgment, perhaps, with the community, but we'll only know to what extent that really is until we get there, and no doubt, the way things go around here, if one community is routinely receiving higher rewards over others without reaching that magical value ratio, I'm sure there will be unhappy people outside of that community who will try to shut it down (if that's even possible).
Seriously. I hope it works. It would be nice for it to work the way you say. For once something on STEEM working to everyone's, or most everyone's liking. :) Past, unfortunately, is prologue too many times, and I wonder if the insulation of a community will be enough.
I have not found subcommunities inside a community. But I think this should be possible to build in the future.
On a STEEM level that should always be possible. But when a community uses an SMT it shouldn't. Tribes already have shown this.
I think communities on steemit.com will be a huge improvement.