Hi Exyle,
I have been following you since I joined up with Steem a few weeks ago, and I wanted to put my thoughts forward on fasting.
I first fasted 20 years ago, as an experiment. The first part was for interst not breaking any of the Seven Deadly Sins. I am not religous. Really really not. I did an experiment.
Gluttony. What is the definition of Gluttony. Three meals a day? No brunch? From my reasoning I had to define Gluttony in its base form. Not eating if I did not need. Only eat when I needed to. Not as a past time or a treat, but as a neccessity.
That lead me to the fascinating state of Keytosis.
I just wanted to share my experince with you.
There is a gammet of other aspects of my initial experiment that I went into.. with very intersting results.
Anywho.. good work bro.