Mark Zuckerberg gets criminal referral from Barr! Yay

in #facebook4 years ago

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Dear Rodger,

I have important news to share with you.

A criminal referral sent to Attorney General William Barr today calls into question the Congressional testimony Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg gave on how his company censors’ content. The referral is based on Project Veritas Insiders Zach McElroy and Ryan Hartwig exposing Facebook’s rampant political censorship just a few weeks ago.

Rep. Matt Gaetz said that Zuckerberg misled Congress on how Facebook handles political content and its censorship practices.

You can read the full letter HERE.

In his letter, Gaetz referenced Zuckerberg’s testimony to Congress on April 10, 2018, and also cited Project Veritas, saying:

In his responses, Mr. Zuckerberg repeatedly and categorically denied any bias against conservative speech, persons, policies, or politics.

However, recent reports from Project Veritas, featuring whistleblowers who worked as Facebook’s “content moderators,” have shown ample evidence of such bias and manipulation.

Gaetz makes the following conclusion in his letter to Barr:

This stands in opposition to Mr. Zuckerberg’s congressional testimony, and violates the “good faith” provision of Section 230(c)(2)(A) of the Communications Decency Act.

Accordingly, I respectfully refer Mr. Zuckerberg to the Department for an investigation of potential violations of 18 U.S.C. §§1001, 1505, and 1621 for materially false statements made to Congress while testifying under oath.

Rodger, this is it!

This Congressional reaction would not have been possible without Brave Insiders exposing the truth about Facebook.

The reality is, if we want to expose this sort of corruption in 2020, more Brave Insiders will be needed.

If you or anyone you know work on the inside of a corrupt institution, reach out to us today.

Be Brave,


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