Decentralization and Blockchain

in #facebook6 years ago

Everyone is worried about their privacy. Everyone that knows what it’s actually worth that is. The less informed don’t really care, they don’t even read the privacy statements when they select “OK”.
Truth is, if you are truly aware then I would suggest looking to other avenues. Decentralization is the way of the future. That is unless we keep giving into the big business, big government. Facebook and other mainstream social media outlets do not offer a free service, if that’s what you believe then you are sadly mistaken. Yes it is free for you and I to use but you have to realize and ask yourself this, Who is the consumer here? What is the product? You didn’t really think they were doing us a public service by providing us a social service did you? Advertisers are the actual consumer, you and I are the actual product. Cookies they call it, every click, every website you view is recorded. That data is mined and sold as the product. Ever open your Facebook app and see and add for the same thing you were shopping for on Amazon the day before? 😉 Surprise! Your browsing and data have been sold through a series of algorithms. That ad may not know who exactly you are but you were just targeted. I’m sure there’s a Silicon Valley term for it that I don’t know but that’s what is happening.
These big social media companies are making a killing off of us. Why not take control of our own data for ourselves. There are many new outlets out there that will even pay you not them for using there service. Steemit is one example of a Facebook like avenue that allows the creator of content to be paid by the people consuming it. I write a post or share something, if you like it you click the like button and I get paid in rewards. It is a crypto currency payout. Lit is another example, much like Snapchat. Every time a follower likes an image you get rewarded in another crypto currency. All these are available for cash out into fiat currency one way or another. There are actually other avenues like browsers that you can use that let you decide what data to share and what not to for payouts.
Blockchain is where these are created, and from the research I’ve been doing since December Blockchain is the future. It is being hailed as the new “internet of things”, “Internet of value”. Decentralized means not one person company or government can control the operation or content. It is governed by the piers that use it.
There are even apps that let you sell your unused cellular data instead of forfeiting it to the company you buy from.
Do your own research, read more, and get paid more. You are valuable.