While Steemit Inc doesn’t actively data mine users info (to the best of my knowledge) there is nothing stopping anyone else from doing so. The blockchain is immutable but it is also there for anyone to read.
There was no doubt in my mind that facebag and the police state would use my info from that platform. And I freely offered it. The hypocrisy of congress lecturing Zuckerberg for spying on American People is palpable.
What bothers me more is the censorship. If I was worried about data mining I wouldn’t use facebag, google or YouTube in the first place. But the politically correct activism and social justice warriors and virtue signaling and insert buzzword here is what I have a problem with. But in all honesty, I have not divorced myself from facebag yet. But I am promoting the Hell out of STEEM.
Peace bro. Can you please explain your definition of social justice warrior? Why is that a bad thing? Do you not want justice for everyone? I am sincerely asking because I don't get it, so please don't take it as some passive aggressive bullshit. I don't roll like that.