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RE: Facebook Attack Response By Dr. Ben

in #facebook7 years ago

Ben, I need to apologize. My frustration about your opaque appeals to authority or deflections any time I ask you a question about your research got to me, and in the process I skipped over any real concerns I had about your experiments and evidence and went straight to attacking your photospectroscopy calculations, which were correct. I was confused by some of your nonstandard terminology (iso-solvent vs isobestic), and - given the time since I last did photospectroscopy myself and my own poor memory of the process - read your paper too quickly, misreading your absorbtion values as raw values and not in absorption units (I did not realize your photospectrometer had a linear range of 4). Your photospectrographic calculations are accurate, and I apologize for questioning them and your credentials with regard to them. I still have concerns about your lack of an independent/different manufacturer control on that particular paper, and wish there was more depth on what specific single or combinations of other dissolved iodine species could cause this - I haven’t looked up the other spectra to compare.

The frustration I have (and, again, my response was inappropriate - I just wish I had been given the chance to correct in the thread it was made), is that your research and business is based on the mistrust of appeals to authority in mainstream medicine, yet in your own research you don’t see necessary to have peer review (publishing to for-pay journals), and deflect when questions are asked about efficacy beyond assumed/speculated effects on the body and anecdotes. I’m glad to see your disclaimer about what is meant by doctor of alternative medicine at he bottom of your posts now (as this distinction is extremely confusing to the general public without the disclaimer).


Thankyou John, I appreciate you saying that. Thankyou for putting your comment on SteemIt where it does me some good with cryptocurrency that I can use for lab equipment. I appreciate that you see that my spectroscopy wasn't quite as terrible as you initially thought. Thankyou for taking an interest in my first iodine paper Once everyone gets over the chemistry, I hope they can eventually see what I'm trying to open their eyes too, which is the significance of the second paper. Even if people don't like them, both papers raise awareness of thyroid and breast cancer prevention research, and I hope that history will look kindly on them as being pioneering works in a field of alternative medicine which I hope to see in my lifetime re-merge with mainstream medicine. People scoff at me, but it is still my goal in life to get a Nobel prize (or to be rich enough to create a better prize) for pioneering the field on how to use iodine nutrient correctly in a system with silver and gold which mark my word will eventually be recognized as nutrients as well. Wish me luck.