Danger, Immediately Remove 10 Things from Your Facebook!

in #facebook7 years ago


Facebook now has over 1.49 billion users worldwide. Although exhilarating, this should make us wary of security as a Facebook user.
Because, consciously or not, all the activities and personal information that we display on the social networking page made by Mark Zuckerberg it can risk us.

Monday suggest you immediately remove this information from your Facebook account. Anything? Here's the review.

  1. Phone Number
    Never put the phone number information on your Facebook page. Because, if you show it, you can be the target of the stalkers.

  2. Date of Birth
    Date of birth can be an opening gate for cyber criminals who want to know financial information, such as your bank account. Therefore, do not display your date of birth information on Facebook if you do not want your money floating.

  3. Befriend the Nearest People
    A psychology professor from Oxford Robin Dunbar argues, one can only actively interact with only 150 people. Referring to 3,375 Facebook users, he found that most friends on Facebook are not close friends.
    In fact, only 4.1 percent have mutual relationships. While 13.6 percent of friends on Facebook show sympathy when users encountered problems. Therefore, make sure you are just friends on Facebook with friends you know well as well as you trust
    . Relationship status
    Relationship status is one of the things that need not diumbar on Facebook. Because, apparently it can bother you, especially if there are people who suddenly advertise a wedding dress or wedding hall through Facebook. Of course very disturbing is not it?

  4. Credit Card Information
    Never show your credit card information on Facebook for whatever reason.

  5. Work and your boss
    Being friends with your boss or your manager on Facebook does not seem too good. Mirrors reveal, if they see your activity like a night hangout or a ridiculous status you upload, it would be very embarrassing.
    Therefore, it is advisable to use Facebook casually and comfortably and freely from work.

  6. Stop Uploading Your Location
    Whenever and wherever you are, never upload your location on Facebook. Why? Strangers who have bad intentions can do evil to you. Just by looking to Facebook, they can find you. Dangerous is not it?

  7. Do not Upload Your Vacation Time and Time
    Mirrors suggest you do not have to upload locations while you're on vacation. It's better if you upload holiday photos after you get home.
    Because, if you do it the possibility of foreigners know that you are not at home. It could be that your home will be a crime target.

  8. Do not Upload Your Photos or Family Members
    Not a few people who like to upload photos of children on Facebook. In fact, if you are friends with many people you do not really know, uploading a photo of the child can be very dangerous to their safety.

  9. Do not Upload a Child School Address
    Similar to the above information, never upload information on activities your kids are doing on Facebook. This can also be dangerous to them, because there may be people who want to do bad use your child's location.