The millennial generation has probably produced the single largest bunch of human pussies ever recorded in human history.
Rather than say pussies more like silly people. As a millennial myself school brainwashed me into thinking that answers can be found through study and reading. That is not the case. There is a lot in life a book can never teach us.
I try to apply my knowledge when in fact sometime I just need to think with common sense. Why on earth spend countless hours on a platform that will give me more insecurity such as Facebook? To keep comparing myself to others just through pictures on FB is plan silly. Yet I still have an account on their and use it once in awhile. I must be crazy.
There seems to be this idea because we are one of the most educated generation, ton of us went to college, that we should represent mankind better than the rest. The bar is high but we are all human. We F' Up as much as past generations.
We are no better than the people before us. Still not all of us do what you say. There are those that you will never hear complaining because they work their butts off to ensure they make an impact in life.
We are a generation that is filled with massive amount of debt and shrinking opportunities. It is very misleading to say baby boomers work harder than us because they are still working right now. If they have spend their time figuring out their finance when they were younger then maybe they could have retired at 65 and give their opportunity to the younger generation.
I lost my first job two years out of college so I know how difficult it is to earn a buck. So when I buy something I tend to go with the cheaper prices. Why else has brick and mortar retailers closed and internet sales booming. It is not as much of being lazy in getting stuff as in what is more cost effective. Every penny I can save ordering stuff online I will do so. No need to own a car and insurance to drive to the mall. Heck why not reallocate the sqft in the mall into more housing? Not many of us can offer our own homes right now.
I end it by saying millennial are unfairly portrayed from the very beginning. Just because we were hand held and taught right from wrong makes us no better than others. We still have our flaws, but not all of us sit around waiting for the next paycheck.
Totally off the topic, I know.