Welcome to Steemit bge91!
Your energy is very clear! :c) This is great.
Just remember that most money here is 'earnt' - especially at the bottom of the food chain. /:c)
Very often your posts, your comments and your votes will 'not' earn much or even anything... but thats OK - you are starting out with very limited following.
'But' all of these three things 'can' earn you a little money (and as you earn more followers you will find it less hard to maintain this).
Just don't think that its going to happen magically.
If you like, here is a post that you will likely find helpful.
Its give and take . We give value in what we write and do and we are rewarded (hopefully) with an upvote or three. You'll be fine if you figure out the worth that you bring. :c)
You're right, All newbies actually need the experience that old members gained