
Is it sad that I upvoted just because I believe this post (as full of content as it is) will make money ?

That said, your other posts were great, so I keep following you. Cheers !

I think it is sa(i)d :) didnt want to make money with this post... Just looking for some 'likes' here :)

Herman Miller chair?

not sure, i am house sitting. it resembles a bit but it seems imitation :)

prefer the makeup one ....ahahha

I like ppps the most. Have a great day at the beach :)

ps yes those are cheap glasses with huge correction... #computerlife

pps that is sunlotion on my glasses as I just put sunlotion on my son.

ppps. Status update: Going to the beach. #FML

no questions

You'll have half the beach in your house by tonight, and you'll be finding sand in your bath for days. #dadwhoknows

he's a baby so the only sand we brought it in was by ourselves :)

We all know the real purpose for lotion next to your computer... =P

drunk? )

nope its morning. hangover also not.

Much serious, very wow.

such wow thx woooof

A good hairstyle)

morning serious face?