( https://www.google.com/search?q=Facebook&tbm=isch&prmd=vni&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi43-eDxOTaAhXMwI8KHXlRCUUQ_AUIEygD&biw=360&bih=516&dpr=2#imgdii=7WFMXuPCncXeOM:&imgrc=j_zTCbT3Zt-P3M:&isa=y)
Facebook is an online social media and the most popular social networking service. Headquartered in Manlo Park, California, USA.
In 2004, some students of the Harvard University, Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes designed a web site for their university students, so that they could communicate online with each other. They named the site thefacebook.com. After creating the site, Stanford, Columbia and Yale, among other university students, are spread among the students. In 2005, nearly 800 students from all over America joined together and its user reached about 5 million. In August of the same year, its name was changed to Facebook. Although some have created the website, Mark Zuckerberg is considered as the head of it. And he is the Facebook's Chariman and CEO.
( https://www.google.com/search?q=Facebook&tbm=isch&prmd=vni&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi43-eDxOTaAhXMwI8KHXlRCUUQ_AUIEygD&biw=360&bih=516&dpr=2#imgrc=vESOgQx7QDx_gM:&isa=y)
Mark Zuckerberg
In 2016, Facebook's total revenue was $ 27,638 billion. Where in 2015 was $ 17,928 billion. In 2007, there was $ 153 million on Facebook Revenue. Facebook has more than 2 billion active users until June 2017. Facebook has kept the world's most popular social media status due to the latest security updates and instant updates to users.
Currently Facebook has become a company of about 64.961 billion dollars till 2016. As of June 30, 2017, there are about 20,658 people working on Facebook.
Instagram, WhatsApp, tbh (app), Facebook Messenger, Oculus VR, Facebook Watch These apps are managed through Facebook.
In our social communication facebook is most powerful system. You can reach thousands of people by posting or messaging.
Facebook is domaniting the socsil midea side. the create the jonra. now they taking it's fool banifit.
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