Zuck it Mark!

in #facebook7 years ago (edited)

Facebook post.png

So, this is the time to touch an issue that reaches most of us. As Steemers we came here for one of many reasons, aside for those looking for a quick buck or the "please follow me sir," we may have something in common.

We all have realized at a certain point, of how wrong the social media is at its core, which is the lack of privacy. This con had come to mass media attention when some time ago, concerning the alleged involvement of Russia-US-election manipulation, Facebook got into cross-fire. Is funny that we look for privacy, but then come to Steemit where everything is open to the world, undeletable and in the way of a Blockchain.

Still, many of us got tired (even when for many reasons could have a FB profile) of how those old geeky guys from Silicon Valley, turned so quickly into the giants' corporations, they were supposed to supersede and improve. In that story, of young drop-out of cool college kids from Apple, Amazon, and Google, which turned themselves into rock stars with the force of their intellects.
Something happened along the way, probably started when dealing with IPOs sitting along the big names of Wall Street, which convinced those innocent young minds, that millions were not enough, billionaire is the new millionaire. Maybe call it an effect of inflation.

Regarding Facebook, we find amusing sharing our whole life with our friends, whatever if it is a small circle of 10 below a curtain of "everything is private" on the privacy settings.
It is also interesting for those "Influencer Wannabe" types who share every small thing on their life with the "Public" privacy setting. No matter which type you are, (or if you are even in the middle) from the moment you use FB you are releasing your data to hundreds of private companies which are using it to "improve" their services and/or products.

It was Orwellian enough, but at least I could think I was doing a benefit to the R&D department of my favorite video game studio by sharing my list of PS4 Trophies. The problem now is, our information it is being used to manipulate people, citizens of alleged "Free" countries to vote as the Elite wants. It's being used not only to shape how we all consume but also how we elect our leaders.

Big Data is a branch of science which looks at data and analyses it in a particular way, is not a set of specific data, but as the name suggests is Big, as in a massive amount of Data. So Big that the larger the collection of data it has the better the information it can provide after proper analysis. Forget about your company excel with the selections of your clients, with only 10000 rows; we are talking about millions of "rows".
The concept lying behind relies on how we advanced so fast in both, the amount of information we produce thanks to personal computers and the medium of storage (as explained in this infographic next to this text). Recently there was an explosion in the global creation of Data, not only helped by the Internet, but also by the expansion of high fidelity information content creation (just think of a website 8-bits 90's like versus a multimedia ICO website from 2018).

All that data laying around is so big that standard processing software is not enough, you need considerable computing power and a new branch of science to come up with a solution. Is there that Big Data appeared in the Science scene, as a respected path to the extension of our understanding of Humanity.

I am not Data Science expert, and I do not pretend to be among you, my fellow readers. But is essential to have a grasp of where lies the misbehaviour of Cambridge Analytics and by extension on our friend Suckerberg, sorry Zuckerberg.

The applicable part of Big Data to this case is the behavioral analysis of the masses. The data set was provided by Facebook, where 87 million persons had their data, including posts, likes, dislikes, preferences, list of friends, following to, followed by, etc.
All that sweet and juicy data that you can think of, coming out of us, dumb servants, giving it all away for free. Imagine what of an excellent use can a company with the right tools, and people do with that.

Cambridge Analytica is a company which has the people and the computing power to go through all the raw. After due processing it can indicate any company or political party, where to sell their product, how, and what to say on your marketing campaign to gain that extra dollar on the suggested price.
Even better in the scale of Machiavelic manipulation; how to scare people... What? Yap, I said it, how to scare people, or let's call it more academical, how to interpret the fears of the masses concerning alien and national threats.

That was the wrongdoing Facebook was accused of because it did not protect the misuse of all that data, which was taken without permit by Cambridge.
Taken to process and obtain critical data which was used in turn to create a FB political campaign based purely on fears.
The ingredients of the propaganda; illegal immigration, violence, murders, higher taxes, lack of police patrols, etc. just think on a comment you may have made on your FB profile in the last years that shows a hint of what your fears are, then think about these big servers creating a profile of you based on some keywords, (i.e. Muslim + Terrorism).
The same process applies to you and probably 200k more users in the same county you live. Starting from there, a political campaign manager would know that in County "X" people fear Radical Religious Terrorism (quite in vogue). Then they will put a couple of ISIS videos in your news feed, and then... "Voila" you will vote Trump.

We Humans, think most of the time, that we are free and rational, but should we know how much of what we believe and do is manipulated (or softer) "suggested" by third parties, we would cry. Based on that social behaviour assumption, Cambridge + Facebook + Trump turned the U.S.A. into a nation of fear, fear to the other, the one next to me, who may be a Mexican, a Commie, a radical Muslim, or who knows which of what label I could think of, to which I fear.
The solution, was a candidate president, D. Trump. The result of that campaign? A divided nation.

All of the above thanks to the lacks of controls from FB on a vast data set of more than eighty million users.

The reason why I am writing about this, and getting a little away from my usual topics, is because it is not an unrelated subject, we are still refering to intertwined concepts; technology, freedom, and finance.
Like a stone in a pond, what just happened will have a ripple effect which will endure for many years to come.

Steemit could seize on this issue; depends on us as a community.

Billions of dollars in paper value did not make a difference for the U.S. Congress when questioning the role of Facebook in the Cambridge Analytica scandal. He felt that his empire could collapse in one day, not that much due to the Congress backslashing on the Silicon giant with tighter regulation, but due to the fact, that many U.S. citizens and many others from around the globe will start to think twice before using FB as they used to until now.

The most significant risk of any profitable company in a savage capitalist frame, is when clients act rationally instead of irrationally, For Facebook this means, to fear that one of my likes, follows or any other social media interaction could in the future make me a target of a "psychographic political campaign", as defined by a member of the U.S. Congress.

Facebook is doing us, data privacy defenders, a favor. It will open the doors to in-depth discussion on these matters. Coincidentally in a time when new data protection regulation in Europe is coming into effect (check GDPR).

The congressional hearing, made him look unconfortable; he was not ready for such a bash. Even when the situation was known to them since 2015, and countless hours with PR staff, lawyers, and who knows what amount of advisors, do not make you ready for something like this.

The Internet is merciless, and in the last days, Mark was in the middle of the storm, not the tropical, but the meme one. Twitter, as usual, was one of the most used tools to make fun of him because we humans have a little morbid tendency to enjoy when those with power suffer, and show their weak side.
The extension of this scandal is yet unknown, it will depend on the consumers, and how much loss of trust Facebook gets out of all this. The funny thing is that the current US President, so far, has not been in such an uncomfy situation as our dear Mark.

Still, not much to worry for Markie, he made it through, at least that is the message he got from investors, when Facebook after the hearings got into a almost three week-high, closing on the day at $165.04.

The market gave a trust signal, but the people are no Wall Street speculative investor, is an average person, using an app to share a lot of personal insights, most of the time. Hoping to be heard by others, to get out of the anonimity that this modern world has taken us. Since, today, in contrast with our fathers and grandfathers, we are much more aware of the billions of peo with whom we share this world. Facebook is part of that world, with so many people that we believe making a post on a social media site can make as a little less invisible.
Now there is a time for a more in-depth reflection on what data we are giving away, and how we can avoid a future Cambridge Analytica alike company using that info. against us.
Still, the responsibility is on us, FB is too big for someone to take care of us. We do not cherish our information, our digital identity, the image we share with the world. Maybe is time to stop waiting for a paternalistic state to look out for us, and take the bull by its horns. We need to take care of ourselves, and a way to do it is by embracing the disruptive force of a trustless society based on the Blockchain.

- Image creations were made using Canvas paid content.



Blockchain Evangelist - Blogger

website: https://steemit.com/@santana33

"I believe Blockchain technology will bring a new era of wealth, justice and transparency to mankind"


In my personal opinion I don't see this latest scandal changing the average Facebook users view of the social media giant. The average joe just doesn't care enough about how their personal data is used and who profits from it.

Steemit as it's currently constructed isn't in position to seize on this opportunity for many reasons. The biggest reason being ease of use, most Facebook users are willing to give up privacy for convenience and simplicity.

If Steemit looks to compete with many of the larger social media companies it must keep that in mind. Thats why it's important that we as a community not only treat this as a way to make money, but actually focus on being SOCIAL and having meaningful conversations and interactions with each other.

I can not more than agree, that is why I mentioned the seizing the moment, to look on how to do it, is worth a separate article on the matter. Since we are permissionless, we can afford to have many different projects based on the platform, take @busy.org or @steemplus all looking to make it more user-friendy.
The interaction over here is mainly profit driven, and there lays one of the biggest problems.

Steem and Mithril went up after this. Good alternatives :)

They have lost billions of dollars, destroyed their reputation, lost many users all because of greed. Facebook has destroyed the trusts of its user it's going to be hard getting back to the business as usual.

I doubt it that it will be hard to believe that lots of users will abandon facebook based on this scandal! For some people facebook has become a part of their daily lives.
Okay, the did loose some money, but the stock are rising again! Just like all scams people will forget it, next week or month there will be another scam exposed and them people don't think about this one anymore!
The biggest treat for facebook are the blockchain like Steem. When more and more people will discover it and see that they will receive some rewards for their posts! If this happens, facebook has two options: go with the flow or pray that their community is stupid enough to stay!

People are just to hooked up to Facebook to care about it. People keep on telling that they will erase their facebook profile but how many actually do it. Indeed only a small percentage of the users, not even an percentage I do guess.
People who were thinking that this information wouldn't be used are just stupid. I do agree that it is/was a big mistake of facebook! But they only care about the money!
If you are not paying for a service, you are not a customer but the goods!

I do expect that facebook will overcome this dip in stock price. Of course, if there doesn't come a major correction on the stock markets. I would not enjoy a correction or crash, but I'm curious if this would be the fuel the crypto market needs to enter a bull market. People will not trust banks and the interest in below par, so lots of them could take a gamble on the crypto market!

Of course Mark is coming with excuses and tries to play that he also was a victim. He is just trying to protect his company like every founder would do!

You are very correct. If you are not paying for a service rendered, then you are the good indeed. However and unfortunately, it seems Mark is also a victim in this scandal. It is not issue of playing a victim. There are other social media platforms that are also guilty of trading people's information, but the success of Facebook has garnered more negativity and ill-will among the tech giants. His acquisition of Whatsapp doesn't go down well with some.
I dont think the situation is irredeemable for Mark however. I think he has, to a large extent gathered consumer loyalty and there may be no significant exodus of the people away from Facebook.

People is too worried looking at the diet in trend in Instagram to care about it. Still, I believe some more aware will make a move.

I doubt it that Mark really is a victim! He probably knew what they were going to do with the data, so he would have been careful what he did put on Facebook.
I do understand that he is trying to play the victim role. He needs to protect his company and his money! We all would. It always looks nice to say that he was also the victim but I am not buying it!
But yep, people will not abandon facebook. Lot's of addictive people on there, which don't know where to go when they would leave facebook!

Indeed, unfortunately in Steemit we do not have a proper team, @ned should be paying CNBC or some other US media network to capitalise on this very same moment. But who knows what they are doing, last project update was months ago.

He probably figured since there wasn't a backlash when Obama did it there wouldn't be a backlash when Trump did it....I guess he didn't quite figure on a segment of the population who just can't seem to adjust to losing the last election.

Thank you my friend, as always an accurate observation. I believe a major corrections is coming, when or how, no one knows for sure.
Institutional money is moving already into cryptos, maybe they know something we do not, and cryptos will be a hedging class asset when facing recession periods.

@santana33, thanks for giving us the platform to interact with each other!
I do think that investing into cyrptos could a good investment when we will see some regression!

Looks like it could be happening right now, try to seize the EOS airdrop to happen in the next few days.
I hope I will be mentioned eventually in one of your Steemit users recommendation posts ;-)

You never know :) But you are on the list, so pretty sure you will get a mention!
EOS airdrop?

Same here. I don't know anyone who canceled FB over this. I don't even know anyone who even got mad about it. Must be all the ones who are mad are all the ones who didn't get mad when Obama did the same thing....lol.

Hopefully this does lead to a more substantial discussion on data privacy and that something will change, but the trend is not going in the right direction. First it was the disclosures on NSA's mass surveillance programs and now this... It seems privacy is becoming a luxury these days.

I don't believe that this particular scandal swayed the election in Trump's and that it is the result of many factors working over several decades. But maybe we will become a little more inclined to verify before we trust, to take some time to think critically and make informed decisions!

I believe that it will. In Europe, several companies already have won law suits against facebook and google, for privacy inflictions!
I guess that America will be next!

I doubt we will see a GDPR American version immediately, there is too much at stake for the yankees. They have right now one of the biggest lobbies.

I know, but even the biggest lobby in the states, the NRA is loosing support!
The others will probably follow!

People awaking?

They should according to me!
With all the shootings going in, the RFA lobby is loosing a lot of support.
We may see also a change in the financial lobby. They did cause some damage with all the FUD, but they didn’t reach their desired results. Som politicans who did support these lobbies will startto notice this a could/will change their ideas.

The big Zucc genuinely looks so much like a cyborg that I cant even look at his face anymore


That was one of the main memes, "remember to drink water, humans do it" lol

If only Facebook users will pause for a moment and analyse the situation of things, and how it may affect them should it repeat itself. But unfortunately, most of these users don't even know what the heck went down, and even if they did, I doubt if they really give a damn.

Indeed, as many things in life, then we complain on the situation of things, when actually we are the ones to blame for the state of our world. Each of our little actions sum up, if people would Boycott Facebook, they would be the first not only to apologise, but to actually make a change.

To gain back their reputation it will take a relatively good amount of time and energy

We said the same about Sony after the information leak, but it took max. a year and it was all back to normal. Another one; Equifax, we all forget too soon and keep feeding them with our money and data as if nothing happened.

You are right

"We need to take care of ourselves, and a way to do it is by embracing the disruptive force of a trustless society based on the Blockchain."

Seriously?....the worse that happened with FB is people got a few ads or videos up in their face....compare that to this monetized system where people are coming in droves just to rip this system off. Everyday there's more and more articles about the ways people find to undermine the awards pool taking money directly out of people's pockets that work hard while they cheat.

I see you are looking to the negative side of everything, which is ok if you feel like it. I said blockchain and not addressed particularly Steemit, I did that in other parts of the post. Trustless society it does not mean that there will be no cheaters, unfortunately every kind of social system, from Roman Republic, Roman Empire, Ancient Greece, URSS, Socialist Cuba, Capitalist US, have shown that there will be always crooks.

Indeed, we see first hand how it is that so in Steemit, due to the inherent transparent character of the Blockchain. Yes, it sucks, too many abusers over here, but thanks to Blockchain you can know who they are.

I, as moderator for SmartSteem, look into solutions which can curve the abuses. But, as you know, once you take down a cheater, two other proxies account come back. Is it not that so, when a capitalist company, private and closed source code as Activision realises one of their last crappy COD video games and gets flooded with Cheaters?

Is not a problem of the system, the virus lies in ourselves.

I wouldn't know much about video games I never got much into them. I was merely comparing apples to apples as far as social media goes. I read a article on here the other night where someone created 80 accounts and another was worse then that:

There is currently 80 accounts for zhiyin all created through the Steemit account creation process. From @zhiyin1 to @zhiyin80 for a total of 1,200 STEEM Power delegated by Steemit Inc.

This doesn't sound like a lot of STEEM power but this is free and it isn't the only accounts in their network. There are many more. There is one network with over 20,000 accounts.


Then there was this one:


...I think things like this are a bit more concerning then if I was being spammed with political advertisements. I don't think this kind of abuse runs that rampant throughout the financial system(s) currently in place where a group or individual could create that many accounts unnoticed and, well, basically rob the bank. When dealing with blockchains/money/crypto there has to be a lot more trust in the system then what we currently see going on to have crypto/blockchain become something that people want to invest with and be secure knowing that these kinds of abuses aren't running rampant through the system because you are absolutely right that history has shown we will never be without crooks.

Sunlit7 you are making a great point, but actually, saving the distances is exactly the same. In Twitter or Facebook, how many bots account do you need to create a great scam, just look at my post about Twitter. Is the same, is an intrinsec problem of any society. Where there is a system, there are loopholes and exploits. Is that aggravant to the point that a whole democracy could crummble on that. Just take an army of bots to create a trending topic on Twitter, pay a couple big media outlets and you can change the mass opinion.
It will be nice to make a dissertation on the risks of AI and automatization for Democracy.
Thanks for the links and your meaningful contribution to this post.

Although I think Zuckerberg was in fact negligent in his handling of misinformation, or "3rd Parties" handling of his Companies information users have to understand that nothing in this life in free; Not even the ability to post, like, and share. That has been made clear...

Indeed, I endorse people to look after themselves, as in the last part of my post. Hopefully the average joe could understand this, but is too much to ask.