There is a difference between being crazy and simply acting crazy.
Alex Jones digs up a lot of dirt and exposures a lot of stuff. I think this is all an act to get others who oppose the system to side with him.
There is a difference between being crazy and simply acting crazy.
Alex Jones digs up a lot of dirt and exposures a lot of stuff. I think this is all an act to get others who oppose the system to side with him.
That difference is lost with Mr Alex..
I just found out that Alex has been banned on Facebook, Apple, Spotify, and YouTube. YouTube being the most damaging. Any thoughts on this @honeybee. I think his show would be welcome on DLive.
To the degree that Facebook is the private property of its shareholders, it's correct to say that they have violated no rights of Alex Jones and that, if anything, he has violated theirs.
If I invite you into my house and you begin to spew nonsense and I kick you out, I have not censored you, I have not violated the First Amendment, and I have not violated your rights. You have violated mine by not respecting my wishes on my property.
That is not to say that the decisions were moral, ethical or even good ones. It is simply how private property and freedom of association work.
I watched Alex Jones all the time right up until Trump became president. About 10% of his show was nonsense. The other 90% was good quality conspiracy stuff. I remember his contributions regarding the truth movement about 9/11. He has spoken out against GMOs, vaccines, fluoridation of water and even the moon landings. Mainstream media report barely any of the stuff he digs up. That makes him a useful alternative.
Alex has a following of millions of people. He has had guests such as Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, David Icke, Donald Trump and he has given a voice to many other conspiracy theorists.
I admittedly rarely watch his show these days as his views have become more pro-republican rather than anti-establishment. I respected him for standing up to the man, which is less and less the case anymore.
A bigger concern for me is the precedent set by these seemingly coordinated bans on Jones. This could lead to bans on other forms of alternative media such as AMTV, Drudge Report, wearechange, David Icke, Mark Dice etc. This could be just another step towards creating a monopoly on information.
In regards to Facebook, their policies are nonsense. I got banned for 3 months at the beginning of the year. I apparently violated their rules. I inquired through their 'customer service' option. They sent a generic response listing their rules. They did not highlight which one I supposedly violated. Three months after the ban, my account was just suddenly reactivated again and I have heard nothing since.
I had problems on YouTube as well as my videos are apparently offensive to advertisers. Before the global changes to monetization requirements, my posts usually received temporary restrictions on advertising. Maybe they didn't like my views on democracy or the beef and dairy industries.
If I bring a big bag of cauliflower and also spew nonsense will you let me stay?
I don't think we should roll out the red carpet for Alex Jones , if he decides to join Dlive on his own that's fine...