The fact they're so up front about asking it means they're aware it's become a negative space for lots of people. I'm guessing the huge amount of data they have (such as average log in sessions and type of interactions) is showing a large group of people either being put off completely or if they still use it a lot, not having a good time while doing so.
I have been using facebook less and less for the last year as I do believe it has grown into something that actually makes many people feel worse the longer they are on it.
It still has use for contacting people or arranging events, but there is now so much negativity on there that seems to be reinforced by design.
Edit: great first picture by the way, there are some people for whom it literally is like a drug they can't get away from, constantly scrolling the wall.
Right! I was very shocked with how straightforward the question was. Yeah for sure, they have plenty of data to monitor people. They actually can know a person very well just based on what the person "likes".
The biggest problem is how facebook treats its property. Eliciting permission to do things that break privacy boundaries just by user agreement changes each year. Tech companies are all starting to follow there model of business and it is a complete invasion.
The usefulness if what keeps people using it but the privacy sacrifice is a great cost to pay.....more than even a monthly paid subscription.
Thanks, I found it on the search engine. I think it even has the screen name of the person who made it.
Yes definitely. I just think of how many data points they have for heavy users, log in session length, when they log in, what they like, even what they feel like at certain times, how much time they spend reading certain things, what they click on.
It's too much for something that used to be something used primarily for keeping in touch with your friends. Not that they shouldn't grow and progress of course, but the focus seems to be more on what they can use for advertising purposes.
Yeah, but not just heavy users.... all users. A lot can be predicted based off of wat someone "likes".
Yes, the sacrifice is great just to be able to keep up with friends. They should be able to grow without the sacrifice of privacy yet data mining is the money making business these days!