These companies investors should be stripped of their assets, and the fora made public services--without surveillance, data sales, or the ability of government covert censorship. Investors should follow ZuckerBorg's lead and divest Fakebook stock quickly, before the law catches up with them.
These companies are on bed with the law and related institutes(NSA, CIA etc.) When law is corrupt, don't expect it to do anything good.
The way I see it is that a business is a private entity. Banning someone from a social media is the equivalent of you evicting someone from your property because you don't like their behavior. They are free to exercise their free speech anywhere outside of your property. My only problem with FB is that they are not fully transparent about what kind of data they collect. Individuals have the right to sell their privacy and dignity for free stuff and as long as the kinds of data collections are public FB, Twatter etc. should be left alone. Let the intellectual Darwinism play out and the idiots will ruin their lives.
I do not have that right in a conference hall I own.
You don't have the right to obstruct free speech. If you do own the conference hall, then they can only be present under your consent which you can revoke (unless you already have a specific contractual obligation) So in most cases you do have that right in a conference hall you own.
Furthermore, Fakebook, Twatter, Goolag and the rest aren't actually private businesses.
This is a a different topic altogether. I'd say they are privately owned and on bed with malicious private entities. A cop in the pocket of a gang is still technically a cop. But that kind of cops should be removed. In the case of Fakebook, Twatter, Goolag etc. they should be shut downed and fined for NAP violations. But banning account is not a NAP violation as users opt-in for the service of a private company that is colluding with a malicious entity.
Except when it's not. These companies were funded by covert government agencies, deeply entwined in the dark pools of funds sloshing and slushing across the financial world. Their talent was provided, like Eric Schmidt, and their products created in government labs.
They're only private companies by way of cover. They are in actuality covert ops.
Regarding public fora, the law is specific that such participants in public conferences--which Fakebook, Youtool, and Twatter all are--may not be lawfully censored, or their free exercise of their right to speak freely interefered with, however you prefer to word it.
It doesn't matter that the business holding the conference is privately owned. They intended to create a public forum, they invited people to speak on it, and they are bound by the law regarding the freedom of speech thereafter.
The NAP isn't a party. It's immaterial in this case. We're not talking about a world in which the NAP is the standard to which governments, companies, and individuals are held. We're discussing the actual entities and legal standards in effect presently.
Ideally, things would be different legally, I agree. That doesn't affect the crimes these companies/agencies have committed under extant law. Semantics regarding crooked cops notwithstanding, the fact that these entities purposefully created public fora and invited people to speak there restricts their rights to censor those people.
Just as the crooked cop couldn't off the competition for his gangs drugs legally.
Pretty much the entire silicon valley is pretty much absorbed into the government operations. But compared to the criminality of the government, these companies actually look like saints. I mean when is the last time FB issued a drone strike? MSM and Tech companies are merely private companies assimilated to become semi-autonomous branches of the government. Law is enforced by government. Any legal act against these companies are going to be very much superficial. It'd be merely a big thug punishing the little thug.
People should simply cut off the revenue steams for these companies. I download my YouTube videos so that I won't see ads. I don't use social media to any significant extent. I don't buy smartphones each year and I also use Brave Browser and
I've added some additional points in this post:
Thanks for the reply.
I am posting this with Brave.
I do almost all of those things, except download videos. I don't see many ads anyway.
The companies in question are not private companies except by way of cover. They were funded by the Military. They ARE the military. Google for example is providing the AI used by US military drones to target people, to decide who to target, and probably deciding when to murder them thereby.
There's a ruse and rhetoric claiming they're private. That's all it is: a ruse.
They're no more private than Evergreen Airlines was.