I’m done posting on steemit. May even power it all down. Faceless losers like @berniesanders flag all my posts with an army of downvoters behind him. No wonder his rep is -18. Funny how people who never show their face on the internet have the most balls. You guys will be the death of this blockchain. Going around policing the place like Mr. Layhey on Trailor Park Boys and then saying it’s for “preserving the reward pool” for the minnows. Just be real and say you have something personal against me. Don’t say it’s cause I’m a scammer that promoted Bitconnect. Say it’s because I have too much Steem Power and I just popped back up out of no where. None of the people who invested in bitconnect are mad at me or blame me. The only people that are mad are people like you who had nothing to do with it and think you know what my true motives are or were. The only people calling me names are the people who just found out who I was. So have fun playing mall cop Mr Layhey. I’m done. On second thought, I won’t power down. I’ll buy more Steem Power to piss you off and curate content I actually like and earn Steem that way. The way Steem was supposed to be used. Unlike you who spends his life watching for people he doesn’t like just so he can flag them. Hopefully you get a life soon and become a more positive driven force. Peace.
Not posting anymore.
7 years ago in #faceless by trevonjb (74)
- Payout Declined
The thing is Trevon, you did make a nice profit from BitConnect (according to your videos) and many people took your advice and invested their money there, unwisely many of them put much more than they could afford and lost money that they really needed for their personal necessities, yes it is their mistake, but you helped them to take this decision. Now do I know you were aware that BitConnect would ultimately fail? I am not sure, maybe you too were deluded into believing all the hype this platform made or maybe you did know and acted just for your personal gain without the plight of other people mattering to you. Only you know what really happened. I think the thing that most people don't like is the attitude, not just yours but of all the people who promoted BitConnect and haven't even had the courage to say "Hey I was wrong, I am sorry I was also fooled". But I also see some of you have already started promoting some other shady programs, I think these are some of the reasons why there is so much negativity towards you.
Use your great motivational skills in trying to heal the wounds Bitconnect left and you might get back to being an admired member of the community. But complaining won't get you anywhere. I believe this is good advice.
By the way I personally don't like flagging and have never done it, but some people do think it is the only way to keep Steemit completely honest.
No offence but it has nothing to do with Trevon people putting money into Bitconnect he never explicitly said to anyone to go dump their whole life savings into it. Even if he was promoting to get referrals, which is fair enough. It's still the viewers that made the decision. I don't think he owes anyone anything.
No he promoted a ponzi scheme which is illegal. he will lose the lawsuit
You have no proof that he knew it was a ponzi scheme. He was just trying to help people earn some money.
Tell that to those that have lost life savings because of his selfish promotions
Class Action Lawsuit Against Bitconnect and Influencers (Yes, including your idol Trevon James):
Instead of giving some back power up and brag about how much you made...just 1 brings your steemit acount details to court and that will be siezed
and maybe giving back the scammed money to the victims would help too.....
(just saying)
There is a lawsuit against trevon
Are you actually stupid enough to think that Trevon holds the 'stolen' money gtfo
lmao look at trevons wallet bro... where do you think he got it from.
I've followed him for over a year now and watched his crypto portfolio grow... its called investments 'bro'
Some people took advantage of bitconnect. Nobody force anyone to invest in this lending platform. I mean its common sense , the whole thing was a huge gamble.
It's 100% personal, you're a scammy fuck and I'm going to use my power as I see fit. Now, GFY.
Doing god's work
@berniesanders - a philosophical fist full of steel comin' at ya!! Impressive.
Thank you for doing the community a service and calling out scammers. He is still promoting his lending platforms and btc casinos.
Thank you Bernie!
feel the bern!
-17 you go @berniesanders with your badself
You do realize Bernie Sanders was a sell-out shill on the HRC payroll the entire time, right?
No he is not a Scam, Because he promoted a coin doesn't make him a scam!!!!!!!!!!!
He promoted a fucking scam so he is a scammer.
You would never say that to my face. That’s why you hide yours.
Aweeee, good luck earning with those curation rewards. You're adorable.
Hey why don't you do the other idiots on steemit a favor and go flag all the stupid fucking contests that pay steem rewards and bounties to people to write shitty spam blog articles about the latest greatest shitcoins and crapicos coming out. And then flag the posts of the people who actually end up writing and shilling said shitcoins and crapicos.
And let's not kid ourselves here, anyone who thinks the "magic power of steemit oooo and the content we produce" is the reason for the rise in price is fucking delusional, oh wait that's most of the users here, anyone who has a ton of SP either dies fighting lost causes or becomes a circle-jerker.
I actually don't give a fuck that you run around flagging people and haejin runs around flagging people, who knows if haejin is even Korean or not but both of you are probably well aware of the fact that all price action for both steem and sbd is dictated by a single fucking exchange that allows massive pump and dump action which is fun for those in on the game, but not so fun for the other koreans and traders who are getting dumped on. And so you running around flagging or voting meaningless tripe is really an exercise in futility because you think the quality of content here matters when really it doesn't, investor perception of the quality doesn't fucking matter because that's not what they're looking at and they will never care because if there was actual value to be had in any of this website then it would have already BEEN a successful long-standing business model.
But guess what, blogging sites are fucking dead, video sites don't make money, and users aren't willing to pay real cash money just to upvote some random fuckers when they can organically vote on content with an equal weight as other users on the websites they already use. Their voices already matter more on the content-consumption sites that they already use and so why the fuck would they ever downgrade and pay out of pocket for an inferior service, especially when it's filled with crap like this?
Seriously, if you want to do something meaningful or care about steem or steemit then get your head out of your ass and smell the roses and something other than the inside of your own sphincter for a change. No one in the real world gives a shit that someone like haejin is trying to maximize his returns by voting on his own bullshit. No one cares that you upvote your own posts about how you just downvoted his posts. Everyone just pretends to give a shit because they want an excuse to get caught up in the flag war and get the sympathy votes that roll in afterwards on some shitty sob story post they'll make seconds later.
But the difference here? This isn't some random nobody, this is a guy who put in several digits of real money hoping to get a return, someone who actually had the initiative to grab a pair of people who have actual social media reach. His own reach can't be disputed, he has a shitload of followers. I won't lie, I didn't know who the fuck he was before I ran across some other post talking about what a fucker he was. Boohoo he sold people on bitconnect. Please tell me which of the icos that are currently being endorsed on this website by countless nimrods will actually do anything other than burn investors' money to a sorry ass crisp, because to me there's little to no difference other than the media exposure.
Everyone likes to suck off ned, dan and stan, but guess what, stan gets fat upvotes every time he cries about how "Arise was going to be so good wahhh they killed it before it had a chance." Are people riled up about Arise losing them money? Do you downvote his posts? No. Because you are not unique in that you and every single other person on this site is a giant fucking pussy when it comes down to it because we all know that if we downvote someone like stan we would probably get perpetually downvoted out of fucking existence because he would probably pull some strings to have all those app delegations pulled just so he could personally flag you so hard with a voting strength so large that your descendants thousands of years from now wouldn't know what making a visible post felt like.
If you'd ever bothered to watch his fucking videos before flagging you'd realize he was actually saying some real shit and asking his viewers to fucking think for themselves for a change, which is a welcome change of pace from all the non-stop steemit love wankery that pollutes this sorry excuse for a website. But you go on being you dude, I'm sure if we just flag each other hard enough all the normies will come rushing in after realizing they don't see enough soft-censorship on their own shitty social media websites of choice. Because that's what really makes for an appealing website, surely.
And maybe I am a bit biased because @trevonjb was literally the highest % of my incoming votes by a long shot until recently, but that just goes to show how stingy most all of the fuckers on this site are and how shitty everything is if he is one of the few people on this entire fucking platform that talks like a normal fucking human being who hasn't drank the fucking steemit koolaid yet. Even taking that into account I think you should still go watch some videos of the twins he just brought in, because if you think the quality of their content, their humor and what they bring to the table isn't at least 10x better than all the fucking garbage laying around here on steemit that passes for "content" then you have shit taste. Don't fucking lie, I know you have nothing better to do right now, go watch some vids and compare them to what you see on steemit right now.
Holy shit, you done dropped that mic so hard, that literally no one else can use that mic now, jerk.
Bahahaha, seriously though. I wish more people would speak their mind. I'm glad that you do. Thanks for that.
i kno right lol amen to that
Very well said sir...very well said.
Well said and much respected! I had to upvote and follow after that.
But enjoy your USDT and EURT denominated gains, that boost BTC got from 6k to over 7k toooooootally had nothing at all to do with the fresh EURT that got printed that day, and I'm sure it won't all come crashing down on top of our retarded heads very shortly.
This is the Bestest answer ever to all this bullshit against @trevonjb don't think I can contribute anything else for you @charitybot said it all!
your the BEST!!!!
You are so clueless
And soon you'll be exactly where you should be (besides completely muted on here).
P.S. - As you can see, your steempower ain't shit, little one.
Like you right? Peace.
Later, little man.
you have multiple bots fool you the scammy fuck when we out here with one page doing us and haters like you just trash and pick fights with your bots to get steem post content you scum as niqqa #fuckberniesanders
You are not the only one who is abused. Look at what is going on with @haejin acoount.
This is not something especially about you, this is specific about this platform Steemit - it is growing. New blood is coming in and old farts do not like it. But it is going to change - they do not have enough power for all of you.
Steem on! 🙌
trevon is scam shit , that surely is NOT wanted here or in any other crypto community. Haejin on the other side, tries to give valuable content and i made a fortune thanks to him.
You should decide what Steemit platform is - monetized Facebook with the same censorship or free speech platform. You do not have to like him, but at least respect his rights to post scam or whatever it is.
If you want to punish him, then get off from keyboard and go to police.
This is absolute horse shit. The whole point of Steemit is to have some kind of liberty , no "social justice warriors not allowing free speech . This is not Facebook.
Careful, they have a full army of bots. They after me now because of my comment.
Thanks. I'm not trying to make anybody mad. Trying to do positive things and contribute. I suppose I'm still trying to understand how this all works.
I will keep it real with you.
The reason they are pissed is that you should of known better
You have a large following for someone in the crypto world.
You have been in this space long enough to be able to explain what bitcoin, ethereum, dash, monero are and at least be able to give a half ass but good enough explanation of each one...so to the people who have a brain its pretty clear that you knew that bitconnect was a scam...maybe not right away but at one point it clicked for you but the price going up blinded you from what your actions could be doing....
That's why a lot of people do not respect you, you KNEW bitconnect was a scam at one point or another but continued to collect referrals and gains from the price increase.
Now, personally, I do NOT feel bad for the people who lost their money...because "some guy on YouTube told me to" is not fucking investment advice so shame on them for investing because you made bitconnect videos...
Like you said, you need to build your reputation back up, might not be the smartest thing to admit what you were doing but maybe taking some time off of here would be the best thing... Hodgetwins and others just joined and it looks bad for them to be associated with you right now. Its for the best for steemit... You are not in a position to complain about the downvotes with your net worth...a real class act would be if you REFUSE to get upvoted and upvote the people who comment legit shit and actually spark some real conversations.
I am sure you have a lot to offer more than referral links man..your reputation is everything, you don't want to be opening a company in 10 years and have this bite you in the ass...
he fucking told them he is not financial advisor i joined under him lost my money and am not bmad this is fucking dumb as fuck .
so why did you downvote my other post?
It feels like a lot of people are treating those who got caught up in the bitconnect scam with kid gloves. Oh those poor innocent victims. Meanwhile it was obviously a scam. Oh well. Lets also keep in mind that Bitconnect dropped 80% only weeks before BTC dropped a similar amount. XRP and ADA dropped even more than that lol...
IMHO, Trevon should be able to wait a few months and pretty much put this in the past. I think the shit will die down a lot once the next bull market begins.
$10 says you're not done posting on Steemit
Have fun in prison scammer, you'll need those steemit powerdowns to pay your legal fees!
I was on the trevon bandwagon. I did bitconnect because it seemed likeit was working well for many people.I guess I'm just a sucker. I signed up for BitConnect using a Trevon referral link. He got a nice chunk of the sum of money I put into BCC. I'm fucked right now because of it. stupid me. Now I'm back to working a shit job in a restaurant to make ends meet. Fuck my life
Exact same here guy, exact same here
but the dream burns on a little lower down inside this time if you get me
Considering hes not the one that robbed them and doesn't have their money, I'm gonna guess never? Talk to bitconnect and the people that aided in getting it shut down if you want your money back.
It is illegal to earn from Ponzi Schemes in the United States whether or not you are aware that it was a Ponzi does not matter. So yeah, he is required by law to surrender all profits. As cited by a past court decision on a similar matter:
Scholes v. Lehmann, 56 F.3d 750 (7th Cir. 1995), cert. denied, 116
S.Ct. 673 (1995):
"It is no answer that some or for that matter all of [defendant's]
profit may have come from "legitimate" trades made by the
corporations. They were not legitimate. The money used for the trades
came from investors gulled by fraudulent representations. [Defendant]
was one of those investors, and it may seem "only fair" that he should
be entitled to the profits on trades made with his money. That would
be true as between him and [the principal or his corporations]. It is
not true as between him and either the creditors or the other
investors in the corporations. He should not be permitted to benefit
from a fraud at their expense merely because he was not himself to
blame for the fraud. All he is being asked to do is to return the net
profits of his investment - the difference between what he put in and
what he had at the end."
(ibid. 757-758.)
The decision of a federal judge far outweighs what you fanboys say.
Don t let the door hit your ass on the way out. I mean are you really surprised that people are sick of you? You did nothing to redeem yourself. At least the others involved had the sense to just vanish. Your face is everywhere on youtube with people telling their stories about you. Your done in this space so this move on here is probably for the best. PS. it's not hard to not be a C*NT - Please at least learn something from all of this but I doubt you will.
Good work Bernie Sanders!! You have done steemit a solid.
Bernie Sanders probably has no idea was a bitcoin is XD
Excuse me, this is the work of Bernies Anders.
I see the value in having BS more than ever when he gets rid of two big scammers!
@trevonjb I'll start by saying I personally am not a fan of you. That said I do think it sets a dangerous president when everyone decides to gang together and essentailly censor a member of the community. Sure its easy to beat up on Trevon today but who is next? Who are we going to band together against and destroy tomorrow?
If you were making videos about Bitconnect or Davor I'll be honest I'm all for people downvoting you to obvlivion, however if your making a video about how to bake a cake I think its unfair for others to gang together and shit on your head.
I am out of all the drama, I just get curious when I see a muted post, since I like to see what happened.
Regarding your comment, I think I agree somehow. But at the end, who are we to decide who is a bad influence, or if someone knew and deliberately pulled us into a scam? At the end I came to Steemit because I liked the fact of being decentralized, but what if a couple of Whales with so much voting power can send us to oblivion just because we make a stance they do not like?
Is it any different than YT, FB, Google or whatever other Corporate Leviathan? I am terrified that all my efforts to produce quality content could one day be thrown to the garbage due to making, maybe, a bad judgment on the eyes of some undercover figure.
Someone mentioned above that this guy was the one to bring the Twins into Steemit, they have only one week here. What if Trevon has that influence on them to push for a negative campaign on Youtube against Steemit. I want to see Steemit thrive, and not get lost as another project related to a sh**coin due to these problems. I did not come here to see Dan and Ned fighting, and much less for this kind of things...
I hope there will be a proper discussion among the Witnesses to bring to an end all this drama. In any case, it has to be clear game rules for everybody, Steem should not become a Feudal website, a silly replica of the old world replicated in a blockchain project.
P.S.: I am not making any accusation or defense, just trying to pull us all into deep thinking on the path we are taking as a community.
Good luck and I wish you all the best. I hope you decide to post regardless of the medium you choose I am likely to be watching. I think your funny and down to earth so just keep doing what you doing. Never mind Bernie, and all the hates, and just be you bro. Rise above all the hate and it will come out in the wash. I honestly can't imagine you post because you NEED/WANT the revenue. Forget about it.
Well, you did promote a ponzi platform. - Anyone who believes these 'lending coins' aren't ponzi schemes, clearly hasn't been around long enough. ...seriously, the referral system was a freaking triangle on it's side!
Good, Get lost
Good riddance to one more scammer, big deal lolz.
hallo i am a newcomer in steemit
please help friend
I'm more entertained by the tags used hahaha
BCC is still a tender subject, but even if you didn't want the attention of the backlash you got it. It sucks that people are salty and grow balls when they're not showing their face but the fact of the matter is that if someone sees someone else making a lot of money then people will jump in because of you. Not your fault but still the main reason. I
Yeah, thanks for saying all that. I've tried to stand up to him, but if you're tiny and need the money, it's not a fight you can really win. Sometimes, I don't get why people cannot understand that promoting solid content, instead of just beating up on bad stuff is a much better way to go. If you see this comment, check out @dolphinschool, I'd love to have your help sponsoring some students in my next goround. It's SO hard to get started right now and I think there are a lot of people who deserve a shot. Anyway, kudos to you, sorry he's such a putz. @markrmorrisjr
@hodgetwins are funnier and not trying to make ppl start some business:)
WTF @jerrybanfield ?
word is FBI is after tevon and craig
According to these people, promoting ponzi schemes is "being a positive driven force". Hilarious.
Fuck em
Trevon bro, take minute and just absorb some positivity. Sure, just like Logan Paul, you got some of them haters.. But so what? I don't hate Logan Paul. I think he is very inspiring. Record-Breaking time to reach 10 million Subs. But people enjoy focusing on the negatives in a situation.
I found out about Bitconnect from one of your videos. To the refund date, I had $8500 of my money in BCC loans. I don't blame you one second though. You are right, the people judging, are the people who are seeing the situation from bird's-eye view.
But listen, above all, you are one badass motherf*cker. I, myself am taking a risk complimenting you right now. I have about 3500 followers on this platform haha. But it's not about that. It's about standing up for what's right.
The end-message is this: Jealous people will always be jealous. Haters will always hate, that's why they're called haters. It's your job as a role-model to recognise who is really in the wrong here. You didn't do anything wrong. Just do you.
You say the faceless people are always the one's with the biggest mouths? True.. But that doesn't mean they have the most power. They have as much power as you give to them. By quitting, you're giving them what they WANT! No quitting bro! Keep on hustling. Don't ever stop. Keep on keeping on.
PS. I used to be a very regular viewer of your content on Youtube. Contrary to common belief, it wasn't because of your BCC videos at all. What actually attracted me to your content was your intellect. Your perception and unique way of thinking. The fact that you would be persistent to go against the tide, calling out accurate predictions etc. It's boss dude. Enough said.
God Bless!
Well here's my reasoning behind unfollowing you on Twitter and YouTube though I've never down voted you. Number 1 I am tired of seeing negativity period including the people bashing you #2 is I really think you should've have just said hey I got screwed too sorry I was mislead aswell....instead, you try to justify your misleading marketing by saying dumb shyt like what you said in that hotel room about how have nothing to worry without even asking a lawyer, the truth is you may have something to worry about & all that was self defense rambling...just say I was mislead and any lawsuit that incurs I will plead the exactly that ... The 3rd and most important reason why I left, despite what lending platforms did to your follow base, YOU CONTINUED to post about Davor coin and other scam lending platforms....THATS THE MOST IGNORANT SHIT EVER...burn your hand once and YOU go touch a different coal of the same fire smfh....that is why I unfollowed you.....
Wanna know why I followed you.... I first got into coins wasn't making much progress you posted about Ripple in December the exact thought that crossed my mind... That shit is cheap, that supply is extremely high nahh but then I was like he is mixed or African American like myself and not many of us are into finances or business so I tool a shot got some and lowenbehold bang I hit for the first time big..... That's why I followed you....you're ruining it man....just drop all lending platforms & do your thing also drop it about the bitconnect ignore the haters and retain a lawyer so u know WTF is going on...cause ya sounded dumb or in a panicky self defense mode in that hotel video...
Damn. Karma is a bitch. LOL.
This is just weak of you bro. Dont quit. You have a huge following behind you and because a small percentage with negative ass feedback/ lives you are giving up? let them do their thing and try bum you down but don't give up on the large amount of people that follow you for a reason. Most of the people that leave negative shit on your posts probably didn't even follow you. They seen an opportunity to put someone down and try make themselves feel better.. get up and start again,.
why with this post @trevonjb ?
My brother in law was bothering me about Steemit for a few weeks, and I was like yeah yeah but then I heard you mention that Steem is a currency you look to gain regardless of value in one of your YT trading videos and that what really peaked my interest in this. That video is what catapulted me into reading candle sticks for Steem, etc. At any rate, I'm annoyed that just when I found connected with you here all this BS went down. I thought it would be easier and more personable to dialogue here as opposed to YT, but unfortunately here we are. I hope Steemit is a more forgiving space in time and that you are able to become active here again. On a personal note, I believe Black (read diverse) representation and presence is needed and healthy on every social platform, and it should be celebrated when done well. I appreciate your vlogs, etc. Again, hope something changes for the better in the future in this space. Peace.
Are you really done making videos @trevonjb?
@trevonjb, maybe you should not quit posting... if somebody don't like your posts it should be no problem here. Nobody has to read it and the steem platform should be able to regulate it itself... but I'm still quite new here... 😔 @peekbit
Please trevonjb, don't go. I just met you! I'm from venezuela. I just donated some of my sp to your blog so you can please help me upvoting my posts. Thank you soooo much . You have been blessed. And you will continue be blessed in the name of God
Don't let others dictate what you do for all those who h8 on you remember its 5 times as many that you have truly inspired on the block chain. Hell half of us are probably here just thinking if he can do it so can I. I mean I might not know you but real is real and you can tell when you cut from a similar cloth. you said you have to get your rep back look at the community who really support you, you never lost your rep lets go fam piss them off with success continued success at that.

yea.....lets just ignore the fact he scammed tens of thousands of people!!!
hes a great guy!!! extremely honest!!!!
and you are extremely smart guy!!! .Lol
continued success at that.
continued success at scamming even more people???
thats some sound advice you give to the steemit community!
trust and follow the scammer......
@trevonjb Bruh you made a mistake with bitconnect, just apologize sincerelly, and try again man! You got this bro! But first just admit "hey I did something wrong, I own that." And then continue to go forth and make some good content. And let the haters do what they want. But if you came out and said I was a little wrong about this. Then people would respect you a 100x more. And you would probably get an even bigger following. So yeah just continue pushing Trevon! Don't Give Up!
Sorry if I said something wrong guys, it's just an opinion. I could be totally wrong, but if you disagree then maybe tell me why I'm wrong rather than just down-vote me so I know another side to the story...
how about him giving back the scammed funds to his victims?
or is that too much to ask?
Well I'm not sure if he knew bitconnect was a scam or not. But if he knew exactly who the people who signed up for bitconnect with his referel than yeah he should give back some money to help them out. How would he know who was convinced by him to invest money in bitconnect? Cuz people will be like "yeahh I tottally got scammed gimmie money Trev!!" even if they didn't get scammed at all. So it's a hard thing to figure out but here's a quote from Abraham Lincoln that might help "Don't beleive everything you see on the internet."
Also whoever invested into bitconnect should know about that quote and have some more critical thinking. Nothing in this worlds free, so don't invest in something thats just giving you money by doing nothing. Remeber who is really making the profit?
There's a good lesson in this. And if Trevon James really did know it was a scam then he should do his best to help the people who he might've scammed... He's made a mistake and now he should aplogize and keep moving forward. Hopefully I didn't trigger anybody with my reply :)
You cant claim ignorence and defend yourself that way...
Ill tell you this. My father knows FUCK ALL about crypto and when i just told him the way bitconnect works he told me it was fishy as hell. It sounds like a basic ponzi scheme. I do agree with you that some the downvotes being kinda bullshit in this thread tho.
True, true it is a little hard to believe he didnt know. Even I knew something was up. But still ya never know and I just dont have hard evidence that he did or did know it was a scam. But if he knew it was a scam wouldnt it hurt him too?
I totally agree with you bro. These people are just sorry that keep trashing you. You aren't a scammer at all. With Bitconnect you were doing affiliate marketing basically. People do it every day with all kinds of products and services. It's not illegal or wrong to do. It is a way to earn money and provide for your family. People are just mad and butt hurt because you had so many referrals and were earning crazy money. They were jealous. Pretty sure you didn't hold a gun to their head and say invest your life savings into this investment platform. I have been watching your videos from the start and enjoying them from the beginning. I have learned a lot and taken your advice as just another guys opinion about cryptocurrency. Invest only what you are willing to lose people. Grow up.
man he wants you to "lose" :/ Do not let him!
dogs bark, life goes on :)
The law does not protect the fool.
No one told any1 what to do with their money.
Funny how no one had a problem with you until bitconnect went down. No one is willing to take responsibility for their own actions. And if Bitconnect was still up and running and people pulling profits you would be all good. I say fuck that, and I respect no one calling you out AFTER the fact.
If i remember correctly people had a problem with him way before bitconnect went down but maybe im mistaken...
Then if he had a change of heart and started claiming its a scam and to sell he would have got into huge trouble for that instead! HAHA
If someone invested some money somewhere, then it's his responsibility to bear its Gain or Loss.
No one forced anyone to invest, I also did the same mistake.
Do you know? I am an unemployed struggler who invested his savings in bitconnect and Now I am Broke.
It was all my fault, Yes My Fault in my case and your fault in your case.
I would recommend @travonjb to stay on this platform as curator only. Let this world know what you actually are
I have faith on you as you are also a Human Being
If you leave this platform then You would became a scammer for everyone.
Stay and Show them ✌🍵
thanks for owning your shit bro respect
Its bs really these whales are being bullys, its going to mess this place up.
i like u Trev, and fuck pussy ass hatters...and quik qoustion how to down vote on steemi? ...let's start some war and dounwote all @berniesanders posts :D
I would really like to say I'm sorry for this bullshit. The internet is filled with a bunch of SJWs. Close your account, Start a new one in 6 months and hustle on. The internet has a shitty memory; hated now, no1 will care later this year. I'm pretty frustrated at the douchebag bernie as well; He's acting like a 10 year old momma's boy that had his candy taken away. Instead of adding value to Steem he is doing the complete opposite.
gl homie.
dont let them get to you bro @haejin downvoted me with 48 % and took my rep down from 37 to 10 bro but still got to steem on cause i believe in the blockchain
thanks for the post... resteemit done...
Sorry dear.....please forgive me.
why talking like this bro
At least trevon was giving out 0.1 bitcoin almost every single day for quite a period of time to random commenter on his videos. None of the other bitconnect promoter does that generously as far as I have seen
#teamtrevonjb @trevonjb