Features Of Poverty - The Most Dangerous Threat To Human Existence --- contributed by @teekingtv

in #fact6 years ago


A person who has been poverty stricken, understands best, how much one needs to cherish riches.

Poverty is not what you can understand if you have not been really poor. You enjoy three square meals a day or a full meal twice in a day? Then you cannot claim to know what poverty means. Just forget it.


The only way to grasp the true meaning of poverty is when one struggles to have one single miserable meal throughout the whole day - when you only eat to survive and it is difficult to tell one is going to survive. Poverty and hunger are cousins, the former always dragging along the later wherever he chooses to go.

A person who wears clothing of his desire; be it a suit, or a complete traditional attire and looks calm cannot understand what poverty entails. You have more than knew pair of shirt and trousers, some sandals or shoes which you can interchange and wear just the ones you so wish to, then you cannot understand what poverty is. A person who knows what poverty entails is such person who, apart from the tattered clothes on his body, he doesn't have any other, not even a calico sheet to keep away the cold at night.


Let us face it, how can anyone who has never slept outside in the open appreciate the full, harsh important of homelessness? Yet that is what real naked poverty is. He who can lay claim to a house, however humble, cannot claim to be poor. Indeed, he can afford to rent a flat or a room in a town or city, without the landlord having cause to eject him, he cannot honestly claim to be poor. The really poor man has no roof over his head, and this is why you find him under a bridge, in a tent or simply in a vast open air.

But that is hardly all. The poor man feels the world as a hopeless underdog. In every bargain, every discussion, every event involving him and others, the poor man is constantly reminded of his failure in life. Nobody listens attentively when he makes a point; nobody accepts that his opinion merits consideration. So, in most cases, he learns to accept that he has neither wisdom nor opinion.

The pauper's lot naturally rubs off on his child who is subject not only to hunger of the body but also of the mind. The pauper lacks the resources to send his child to school. And even in communities where education is free, the pauper's child still faces an uphill task because the hunger of the body impedes the proper nourishment of the mind. Denied access to modern communication media, the poor child has every little opportunity to understand the concept taught him. His mind is a rocky soil on which the teacher's seed cannot easily germinate. Thus embattled at home and then at school, the pauper's child soon has every little option but to drop out of school.


That is not all. Weakened by hunger, embattled by cold and exposure to the elements, feeding on poor water and pole food, the pauper is an easy target for diseases. This is precisely while the poorest countries have the shortest life expectancy while the longest life expectancy are recorded among the richest countries.

Poverty is really a disease that shortens life!

Blog contributor: @teekingtv
Blog editor: @klynic, for the community!

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