Hello steemians welcome to another brand new day, hope you have been having a fun time with us on our fact bomb trail..... on today post we would be talking about Flamingo
FACT BOMB "Flamingo"
#Did-you-know that Flamingo hold their breath when they eat, falmingo often rest on one leg on water , this position is very comfortable for them because it reduces the amount of body heat they loss in the cool water, something
Flamingo are pinkish in color because of the food they eat, falmingo eat with their heads upside-down in the water so that they can suck water and food with the fornt of their bill and mud water follow out from the back of their bill
#Now-you-know 😂.... drop your comments below on what fact you find most interesting...... dont forget to follow @farms for more mind blowing facts you never thought existed.