Faerie Friday June 26, 2020

in #faeryfriday5 years ago (edited)

Can you believe that today is the last Friday of June already? There are times that I feel like things move really fast or are going at a snail’s pace. June has felt like it has been on super speed. Maybe it’s just me. How has your week been going? I’m looking forward to what the Fae wishes to share with us so let’s get to it.

For today’s card pull, I am using the Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud with text by Jessica Macbeth. This is a single card pull since it is an oracle deck. If you like this deck you can get it for yourself. Just click on the picture below.

What do the Fae want me to share?

Card 51  The TopsieTurvets.jpg

Today’s card is number 51 - The Topsie Turvets

Change of viewpoint. Fresh looks. New ways of seeing.

When life is confusing, the Turvets may come to visit you. Nothing draws them like a bit of mental muddle. They don't cause our disarray (we are very good at doing that for ourselves and each other), but they are attracted to it. Confusion is an important stage of growth, and they delight in helping things to grow. They live everywhere (not only humans need their help) and are exceedingly busy. Fortunately, they are quite prolific, so there are a lot of them.

When the Topsie-Turvets show up, it indicates that someone needs to look again, to make an effort to see things from a different point of view. It suggests that confusion may exist because we are asking the wrong questions. Or perhaps we have made assumptions that are incorrect, and we have run into a brick wall built of those misconceptions. The Turvets ask us to back up, to question our assumptions, and to try to see things from the viewpoints of the other people involved in our muddle. They ask us to let go of our attachment to our own point of view, to stop saying "ought" and "should"—especially about other people. Most emphatically they suggest that we start trying to see things as they really are instead of as someone thinks they should be. This card is a warning that someone involved in the question or issue at hand is mentally upside down. Or possibly sideways.

The Turvets suggest that things need to be looked at from another angle. We need to back off from our emotional entanglement and look anew. Much of the apparent confusion about the issue is caused by a faulty point of view. Get the opinions of honest others and then re-look at your own. Defensiveness and denial may be causing much difficulty. Try imagining that you are looking at the situation from the point of view of each of the others involved. This is not an exercise in deciding how the other "ought" to see things, but in discovering how they really do. Words like "he ought to see that . . ." are not useful at this time.

If the Turvets' card turns up and another point of view does not readily suggest itself, it may be useful to draw another card for further information. Or you might choose to do another reading, addressing that issue independently. Remember to pause to listen for hints from the Turvets themselves. They are the experts in the field.

“I believe no faery is completely good or bad but fluidly embodies both extremes?” — Brian

Something that I think we all need to do more is look at both sides of things. There is so much anger, fear, and misunderstanding we need to stop and take a moment to see the big picture. Maybe see how someone else is taking something before you make a decision. This is the best time to do that. Look at things honestly and openly. If you don’t have the whole story you may make a bad choice.

For myself, I love pulling this card. It tells me that I need to look at something from a new perspective. I have been trying to figure somethings out maybe I need to look at it from another angle.

Is there something that you need to change how you are looking at it?

I hope that this reading has been helpful to you all. Please let me know if it has impacted you in any way. I’d love to hear from you. I am doing personal Astrology, Divination, Card and Astro Dice Readings for a fee. If you would like to have one please email me at [email protected].

While doing this reading I am was listening to Spotify playlist Faeries: The Seelie Court. You can find me on Spotify under amrauthor. I hope you enjoy the music.

May your stars shine brightly upon you.

Image of the actual card is one that I took of my own deck of cards.