Oops... Pfizer Didn't Publicly Report Full Trial Deaths

in #failedtoreport3 years ago

Oopsie, we didn't give you all the numbers! That's what Pfizer is essentially doing, and I guess saying if they were bothering to say anything about it. Because it's better to seem incompetent than admit you intentionally did something wrong. Like withhold data from your trials.

So what am I talking about? Pfizer failed to report more deaths occurring in the vaccinated branch of its ongoing trial. That's right, they did it again, they lied and cheated their into making big bucks like the other $4 billions they've paid in fines in their history.


This is what you get when you let big pharma self-report the safety and efficacy of it's own product. No verification of the trials to confirm, like actual science should do to confirm results.

Conflicts of interest abound, and yet not a peep from the media or government about the many issues around these trials. They sure as hell won't talk about all the nasty side effects that can lead to death from taking these risk injections. So why would they bother talking about unreported deaths.

Pfizer said publicly in July it had found 15 deaths among vaccine recipients by mid-March. But it told the FDA there were 21 - at the same data cutoff end date, March 13.

  1. Not 15.

What is that matter? Right? It's not like it would phase anybody who is a total believer in this injection. Let's not kid ourselves. What does it matter to them.

Everyone believes it's safe because they're told it's safe. Everyone believes it's effective because they're told it's effective they don't go looking for themselves and how the trials were conducted to know that the only thing we looked at was mild and moderate symptoms being lessened, essentially making you an asymptomatic person by hiding the symptoms. The studies did not look at reducing hospitalization or death. People believe these injections do anyways.