Why are failures important in life? - Some views!

in #failure7 years ago

In life everyone runs for success, people work day and night just to achieve success in life. They sacrifice their today for a better tomorrow, just to build up themselves and their life. But the question is; does the success builds you or the up and downs you face on the way to achieve such position in life? Or we can say;

Does success grooms you or failure is the secret well-wisher?

A person is always praised for his successes and ridiculed for his failures but this is what people say. One should stop caring about others and start learning from their mistakes. Each and every steps in life leaves you with a positive or negative, constructive or destructive lesson for lifetime.

Failures in life makes a person strong and helps them discover their weakness and strengths both at a same time.

Failing in life is not always disappointing or bad as the famous inventor "Thomas Edison" said:

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

One shouldn't be afraid of failures. A lot of people fear the loss because of the "shame" it brings with it. To not fail is the death of innovation. Once you step out of that dark room of denial and fear, nothing can stop you. No one is doomed to be a failure. Yes, this is true. If you can fail once, then why can't succeed twice?

Though, luck plays its toll as well and time is a constraint too. Even when you do your very best, when you defeat your fears than suddenly something unexpected happens ruining your dreams to some extent. As the bitter truth is, luck still holds quite a few shares in our life, just like time which cannot be eliminated.

So I may now conclude by saying that though the road to success is not easy and failures are waiting aside by the wise people learns from everything the encounter. Failures are important in life as they groom our personality and prepares us for any kind of toxicity in life. All of the world's piety and goodness exists solely in the effort of honing that talent to it's sharpest edge.

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.